Blessed in Christ!

When God looked from heaven to earth He saw disasters, wars, murders, envying, faithlessness, lying and wickedness and more.  The evil-doing had begun when our first parents Adam and Eve sinned and ran away to hide. Humans have been busy hiding ever since.

Here’s something worth considering.  As God from eternity observed the mess of humanity, He did not ask us to do something about it.  He didn’t look to humanity for solutions for the chaos. No indeed! He had already, before time, chosen to rescue a people for Himself and at just the right time He came to save and deliver them (Romans 5:6-8).

And how did He do that? Did He demand that we do something?  No! Nothing!

But surely there was something He required us to do in order to save ourselves? No! When Jesus arrived on earth, He did not come bearing a list of demands.  Not at all! When Christ came, He was blessing and grace incarnate.  He came to seek and to save, not to demand and damn.

He came to bless His people with His salvation.

‘Ah no, brother,’ you say ‘He did demand that we repent and believe.’ True, but both repentance and faith are gifts and if gifts they are all of grace (Romans 2:4; Ephesians 2:8-9). And if by grace, then 
is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it is of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work (Romans 11:6).

In Christ, we are immeasurably blessed. In Him, amongst other things, we are 
Blessed with Eternal life (John 3:15-16).

Blessed with Eternal security (John 10:27-28; Romans 8:37-39).

Blessed with Forgiveness of sin (Colossians 1:14).

Blessed with Acquittal (Romans 5:1).

Blessed with No Condemnation from God (Romans 8:1, 33-34; 5:16).

Blessed with Rest (Matthew 11:28-30).

Blessed with Redemption (Ephesians 1:7).

Blessed with Reconciliation to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

Blessed with Adoption into God’s family (Ephesians 1:5; Romans 8:14-17).

Blessed with Deliverance from the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15; John 11:25-26).

Blessed with a Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14).

We are Blessed Indeed!

A new convert came in deep distress to see a Chinese preacher of a past generation saying, "No matter how much I pray, no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot seem to be faithful to my Lord. I think I'm losing my salvation." The preacher said, "Do you see this dog here? He is my dog. He is house-trained; he never makes a mess; he is obedient; he is a pure delight to me. Out in the kitchen, I have a son, a baby son. He makes a mess, he throws his food around, he fouls his clothes, he is a total mess. But who is going to inherit my kingdom? Not my dog; my son is my heir.”

Likewise, in spite of our many fallings
we remain heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). He lived, died and rose again for us. Without a doubt, we will mess up and fail but we remain heirs of God, not through our perfection but by His grace.  That’s what I call blessed. 

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

-Gospel Report by preacher Miles McKee

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