A Fitting Salvation!

"For such an high priest became us..."
-Hebrews 7:26 [KJV]

Here is the High Priest perfectly adapted to our needs. The salvation of God in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only salvation for such a one as myself. Others may think they find a lesser one that is sufficient for them but not me. This salvation which is in Christ who is the Wisdom of God is suited for both God and me. It satisfies God in what He requires and if God is satisfied then surely I can be. First, the “choice” in salvation is God’s. This suits me for as the songwriter said, “Tis not that I did choose Thee, For, Lord, that could not be; This heart would still refuse Thee, but Thou hast chosen me.” 

It was God’s choice and He made it before the foundation of the world. He chose me “in Christ” and “unto salvation” and this made things sure! See Eph. 1:4; II Thess. 2:13. It was also a salvation of sinners! “Christ came into the world to save sinners: of whom I am chief.” (I Timothy 1:15) God’s salvation is not for those who, like Pharaoh, Balaam and Saul say “I have sinned” while distressed over the consequences of their sin but for those like David and the publican who say “Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned.” They beg God to “be propitiated toward me the sinner.”

Sin is not only what I’ve done but what I am! God’s salvation is just for such as this. The salvation of God is by grace! It is a free gift. I have nothing to give, nothing to pay and nothing to present to God therefore it is the only way that a spiritually bankrupt sinner could ever be saved. This salvation is entirely in Another, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His death that reconciles me to God and satisfies His justice. It is His righteousness that is imputed to me thereby making me accepted of God. It is His works and not mine that God honors and receives. It is this salvation which is wrought by the power of God the Holy Spirit alone. He comes to me while I am yet dead in sin and gives me spiritual life, revealing Christ to me through the Gospel. It is He who keeps me and preserves me and shall present me faultless before the throne of glory.

Let others trust in other saviors but let me trust in Christ alone. He alone is the Savior and His alone the salvation that is suited for a sinner like me.

-preacher Gary Shepard


"The sinner who is enlightened to know himself, his wants, enemies, and dangers, will not dare to confide in anything short of an almighty arm; he needs a shepherd who is full of wisdom, full of care, full of power; able, like the sun, to shine upon millions at once, and possessed of those incommunicable attributes of Deity, omniscience and omnipresence. Such is our great Shepherd." -John Newton


 "GOD WITHOUT MAN remains God, over all, blessed forever. He is the glorious God, whether man acknowledges that truth or not. But MAN WITHOUT GOD is nothing, he is vanity, he is useless except to be fuel for the flames of hell." -Jim Byrd


"The religious professor receives doctrines because he sees them in the Bible. The believer not only sees them in the Bible, but he feels them in his heart, put there by the Holy Spirit. The believer gets at truth through trouble. He arrives at the banquet of mercy through sharp pangs of hunger. He lays hold of the robe of righteousness chilled by nakedness. He comes to the cross because he is guilty and there is nowhere else to go. Thus the religionist and the believer (however else they may resemble one another) have an eternal distinction which the hand of God has drawn between the living and the dead." 

-J. C. Philpot


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