Great Encouragement in Christ: Substitution & Satisfaction

Two Vital Truths
The everlasting salvation and present joy of those who believe Christ are wedded to two glorious, vital truths: Substitution and Satisfaction. By the substitutionary death of Christ, He made full satisfaction to divine justice meeting every condition, stipulation and requirement for the redemption, justification and salvation of those whose place He took. These are two cardinal doctrines of the Gospel. Christ the good Shepherd took the place of His sheep, suffered, bled, died and arose in our stead. God Almighty, Who is a just God, justifies the ungodly upon the basis of the cross-death of His Son. In the person and redemptive work of Christ, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10). The sins of His fallen people were imputed (charged to, reckoned to the account of) the Lord Jesus Christ, and He, by His death, brought in everlasting righteousness which is imputed to His people. The joy, assurance and peace of every sinner who trusts Christ are forever tied to these precious gospel truths. He was my Substitute, God is satisfied with my Savior and His work, and I am joyful!

–preacher Jim Byrd


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