Precious LAMB of God!

"The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them." -Revelation 7:17 [KJV]

My soul thou hast not forgotten what thou wert so lately engaged in, a day or two since, at the call of God the Holy Ghost, to behold the Lamb of God. And art thou not still looking at Him, gazing upon Him, feasting thine eyes, thine heart, all thy affections, upon Him, and following Him, in the sweet contemplation, from His cross to His crown. Come then, my soul, harp again and again upon this blessed string; for sure it is most blessed. And remember, my soul, as thou lookest, thy Jesus is in the midst of the throne - that is, the very centre of it.

"In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." For what is the Lamb of God, but God revealing Himself in Him, to thee, my soul, and all His people? And remember also, that the throne, in the midst of which thy Jesus is, in scripture, is called "the throne of God and the Lamb," on purpose to shew thee that it is one and the same. And what is that throne, my soul, but a throne of grace - a mercy-seat, a place for the poor and the needy to approach, "to obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need?"

Flee to it, my soul; haste! stay not; and remember, as Jesus is in the midst of it, it is accessible every way, and all around. The poor timid believer, that fears to go in front, may, like the woman in the gospel, who came behind, touch but Jesus' garment: efficacy from the Lamb is in every direction. If Jesus was not there, it might be alarming to approach; but, remember the Lamb is there—and He is the Lamb of God. Sweet encouraging thought! Come then, my soul, look to the Lamb. See, by faith, how He feeds the church which is above. And will He not feed the church below? Oh, yes. "His flesh is meat indeed, and his blood is drink indeed." He is the heavenly pelican, that feeds His young with His blood. And Oh, what spiritual food, what divine food, what suitable food, what soul-satisfying, soul. ravishing, soul-strengthening food! Precious Lamb of God! every thing in Thee is food. Feed my hungry soul, Oh Thou that art in the midst of the throne, and send me not empty away.


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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