"As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness." -Psalm 17:15 [KJV]

Is it refreshing to thee now, my soul, the least glimpse of Jesus' face; the smallest manifestation of the glories of His Person and of His work; and the very sound of His voice, in His word or ordinances? Think, then, what will be thy felicity in that morning of the eternal world, when, dropping thy vail of flesh, He whom thou seest now by faith only, will then appear as open to thee as to the church above in glory!

Pause, my soul, over the vast thought! What will be thy first sight of Jesus? What will be thy feelings, when, without any intervening medium, thou shalt see Him face to face, and know even as thou art known? Precious Lamb of God! grant me grace to feel the blessedness of this first interview. Appearing, as I trust I shall, in Thine own garments, and the robes of Thy righteousness, and which Thou hast not only provided for me, but put on, what will be the burstings forth of my heart, in the full view of the glories of Thy Person, and the perfection of Thy righteousness!

Surely, Lord, when I thus behold Thy face in righteousness, I shall be so fully satisfied, that the rest after which my poor soul, through a whole life of grace, since Thou wert pleased to quicken me, hath been pursuing, will pursue no more. My immortal faculties will seek no more - will need no more. In Thee, the whole is attained. In Thee, I shall eternally rest. Thou art the everlasting centre of all happiness, glory, and joy. I shall be so fully satisfied when I awake to this view, that here, in Thee, I shall be at home. And what is more, it will be an everlasting duration, not only in happiness, but in likeness. And as the coldest iron, put into the fire, partakes of the properties of the fire, until it becomes altogether heated and fiery like it, so in Thee, and with Thee, Thou blessed Jesus, cold as my soul now is, I shall be warmed with Thy love; and from Thee, and Thy likeness imparted, become lovely from Thy loveliness, and glorious from Thy glory.

Precious, precious Jesus! Is the hour near? Are Thy chariot wheels approaching? Dost Thou say, "Behold, I come quickly." Oh! for grace to answer, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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