Stand Still My Soul, Salvation View...

"Fear ye not. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD." - Exodus 14:13 [KJV]

The people of God were now in a great strait, even at their wits end. Perish they must, to all human appearance. A wide ocean is before them. Inaccessible mountains surround them. An enraged monarch pursues them. Death in various shapes presents itself to them. Yet, for all this says Moses, “Fear not.” Peevish unbelief and carnal reason might suggest, what! not be afraid, when inevitable destruction must be our doom? Why will Moses talk to us after this mad, enthusiastic rate? 

But in the view of apparent destruction, Moses tells them of a certain salvation, and commands them to stand still and behold it. We do not hear one word from Moses, to soothe their fears, or comfort their minds, from any considerations of what they were in themselves, what good works they had done, what terms and conditions they had performed to entitle them to the Lord’s favour, etc. No. But they were at this very moment, indulging carnal reason, and the murmurs of unbelief. “Why hast thou brought us forth? Better to serve the Egyptians, than to perish here,” etc. 

Hence observe, (1st.) In times of difficulty, in seasons of distress, when sin rages, conscience accuses, the law condemns, carnal reason suggests, unbelief prevails, and we poor sinners are at our wits’ end, seeing justice pursuing, all hope and help failing, and despair at the door, when the salvation of Jesus is to be looked unto. In such seasons, how doth this quell our fears, compose and comfort our minds! 

But, (2d.) What is it to stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord? Is it to cease from prayer and all other means of grace, and as some say, be still: stir not hand nor foot in the way of duty? No, For contrary to this, the Lord ordered the people to “go forward.” What is it then, but in the midst of fears, in the sight of danger, and in the dread of destruction, to cease from all self-confidence, to attend to the voice of the Lord, to rely upon His gracious promises, and quietly to hope for His great deliverance. For, O precious word! says Moses, “The Lord shall fight for you:” and what then? “Ye shall hold your peace.” How soon, how effectually did the Lord do this? He both destroyed their enemies, saved them, silenced all their unbelieving fears, and unreasonable murmurings. 

They saw their enemies no more for ever. Stand still, O soul, admire, adore, love, and confide in, a gracious, wonder-working, sin-saving Lord. Look on thine enemies, as the foes of thy Lord. He hath promised their destruction and thy salvation. Rejoice to think of that day when thou shalt see the Lord in glory, and thine enemies no more for ever. 


Stand still, my soul, salvation view, 

As finish’d by thy Lord; 

Reject thy fears, believe anew, 

Thy Lord’s supporting word.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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