Head's-Up friends ~ great cheer to follow...

The only way that God could accept us and receive us and save us is for Him to have viewed all our sins to be on our Surety and dealt with by our Substitute bearing in His own body our sins on that tree, and now He doesn't see them anymore. Is that right? Is that too good to be true? 

It scares people to death. I'm telling you, people who rest in their works and most especially these VILE FALSE RELIGIONISTS AND PREACHERS WHO PREACH SALVATION BY WORKS, it scares them to death for somebody to say that God does not see the sins of His people in them. 

But I'm gonna tell you this: before a just God, He cannot see as that old hymn-writer said, He cannot see my sins in me and my sins in my Substitute at the same time. Impossibility. Paul says, "This is the Gospel, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them." 

Did you hear that? That word "impute" has something to do with charging. He has not charged the sins of His people to them. This world of people in the Lord Jesus Christ which, by the way, is not every person in this world but the world He's talking about, this world and people in Christ, 

God has not imputed or charged their sins to them. How in the world could He do that? He did it by charging them to Christ. He did it by charging to Christ so that this is what Paul says is committed unto us as the Gospel, He hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

-preacher Gary Shepard
Excerpt of sermon "Does God See The Sins of His people?"


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