Thought for the Day: 12 December, 2024 A.D.

God's purpose is one, because He is of one mind: as it is written,  

"But He is in one mind, and who can turn Him? and what His soul desireth, even that He doeth" (Job 23:13, KJV). 

There can no more be a new thought or a new purpose in God than there can be a new God. Whatever God thinks He ever thought, always does think, and will continue thinking. Therefore, whatever God purposes He always purposed, ever purposes, and will continue purposing. 

Thinking and purposing are attributes of rational beings whether created or uncreated. The thoughts and purposes of the infinite God are co-eternal with Himself. God's thoughts and purposes are absolute. If this were not true, no being could possibly exist. The fulfillment of God's purpose manifests the beauty of all His perfections. 

-W. E. Best, excerpt from 'God's Sovereignty is Absolute Arbitrariness'


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