Fed by Christ ~ Bread of Life & Fountain of Living Water
"He who eateth Me, even he shall live by Me." -John 6:57 [KJV]
Why is the meek Saviour so very wroth against self-righteous people, while He is nothing but love and tenderness to poor sensible sinners? Why does He stamp the highest indignity and contempt on the character of the former, while He receives the publicans and harlots with open arms? Is it not hard, because a man esteems his own righteousness, and values his own perfection, that the Saviour should reject him? Are we not to do good, to be very good, yea, to strive to be as righteous as an angel? Yes, we are to have a better righteousness than angels ever had.
But if we think that righteousness is to be obtained by us, to cover our wicked nature, to recommend us to God, and to justify us either first or last, in whole or in part, we deceive ourselves—the truth is not in us—there is the pride of the devil at the bottom of all this. Woe unto us, we are full, but we shall hunger, (see Luke 6:25.) If full of a proud conceit, and high opinion of our own righteousness, our souls will famish and starve. “The full soul loatheth the honeycomb,” (Proverbs 27:7.)
It has no appetite to feed upon Christ, and to live by Him, as its only food and clothing. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled,” (Matthew 5:6.) That soul is truly convinced of sin, by the Spirit, who sees he has no righteousness of his own, is sensible, that he must perish everlastingly, without a perfect, spotless righteousness; knows this is only in Christ, and therefore hungers and thirsts after His righteousness. This is the soul who eats Christ— feeds upon Him, and shall live by Him.
A hungry soul is a self-emptied soul. Is yours such? Does it go out after Christ, as a hungry appetite does after food? Will nothing satisfy you, but the flesh and blood, the righteousness and atonement of the Son of God? Bless the Lord, you have David’s experience, “I will go in the strength of the Lord God.” He fed on Christ, and received his strength from Him. “I will make mention of His righteousness, even of His ONLY. My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto Thee, and my soul which Thou hast redeemed,” (Psalm 71:23.)
Holy Paul’s language is yours: I count all things but loss for the excellency of Christ Jesus my Lord. I esteem all things but dung, that I may win Christ. The whole and sole desire of your soul is, to be found in Him, (see Philippians 3:9.) You have the sure word of Christ. You shall live by ME. Live by His grace in time: live with Him in glory to all eternity.
‘Tis sweet to live and daily feed
On Jesus’ flesh and blood:
His flesh and blood are drink indeed,
To all who’re by Him lov’d.
Lord, may I love Thee more and more,
For every word Thou saith:
Increase my hunger ev’ry hour,
To feed on Thee by faith.
-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)