"I will lift up my hands in Thy name." -Psalm 63:4 [KJV]

From the little which carnal men see of the conduct of saints, they pronounce them fools and madmen. But were they to follow them to their closets, and be witness to what passes there, between God and their souls, they would deem it the excess of folly, and the height of madness. Two Christian friends were conversing together of the plague of their hearts, and the workings of hypocrisy and evil in their best duties. An unconverted brother of one of them overheard, and upbraided them, saying, I always thought you were two hypocrites, now I have heard it from your own mouths. I have no wandering thoughts at church—I always go with a good heart. 

Brother, replied the Christian, putting a piece of money in his hand, that is your own, if, when you go to church next, you will watch your heart, and tell me honestly, if you found no wandering thoughts. The poor man faithfully returned the money, and frankly owned, I was scarcely got into the church, before I thought how many looms might be set to work in it. He was a weaver. O what an awful thing it is to be ignorant of one’s own heart! And yet the knowledge of its desperate wickedness, and superlative deceitfulness, often dejects and puts disciples to the stand. 

Here is a blessed remedy at all times, the loving kindness of the Lord. This is better than life. This super-abounds all the aboundings of sin in us. This enables us to say, joyfully, “I will bless the Lord while I live:” and with boldness, “I will lift up my hands in Thy name.” In our work and warfare, against all our spiritual enemies, there is a blessed name, which is above every other name, to animate us with courage, even the name of Jesus. However dejected or despised, can we think of, believe in, and look to, that glorious name, person, work, and salvation, with which God is well pleased, without lifting up our hands with comfort and joy? 

Here I am tonight, a poor sinner, empty of all good, full of all evil. No worth, work, or excellency, to recommend me to God, yet will I lift up my empty hand, to receive a gift from the God of all grace. O that under a sight of my ruined state, and helpless impotency, the Spirit may teach me that heavenly art, I will go in the strength of the Lord God, I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only, O Jesus, (see Psalm 71:16.) It is from hence that feeble knees are strengthened, hands which hang down are lifted up, and fearful hearts made strong. Consider Christ Jesus, (Hebrews 3:1.)


What name so sweet to sinners’ ears, 

As that of Christ, our King? 

‘Tis this repels our doubts and fears, 

And joy of soul doth bring. 

My hands to Thee I will lift up, 

A blessing to receive, 

From Thee my Christ, my only hope; 

In Whom I will believe.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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