By Christ JESUS ~ Free from the Law of Sin and Death

"The law worketh wrath." -Romans 4:15 [KJV]

Our misery, as sinners, is greatly heightened, for want of duly considering the end and design of the Holy Law, and of THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL; and through our blending them together in our consciences. Consider what is meant by the word, working wrath. 

(1st.) “Sin is the transgression of the law,” (I John 3:4.) 

(2d.) The law was added because of transgressions, (see Galatians 3:19.) 

(3d.) “By the law is the knowledge of sin.” 

Therefore, (4th.) “By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in God’s sight, (Romans 3:20.) 

For, (5th.) It is a ministration of condemnation, (see II Corinthians 3:9.) “Cursed is every one who continueth not in ALL things, which are written in the book of the law to do them, (Galatians 3:10.) Hence is it any marvel, that we, that are transgressors of the law, and cursed by the law, if we examine ourselves by the law, and judge of ourselves according to the law, that it should work in us a sense of wrath, a sense of condemnation, and a fearful looking for of judgment, and of fiery indignation? 

Therefore we must see and own, that by nature we are children of wrath, even as others—deserve hell as well as others, and can do no more to save ourselves than others. Now have we thus seen ourselves under the law, and felt the law working wrath in our consciences? If so, this is the certain consequence. Our mouth is stopped. We are become, (O awful word!) guilty before God,” (Romans 3:19.) 

How do we expect to get relief to our guilty minds, and ease from wrath in our consciences? For as the law Works wrath, sin works deceitfully in our proud natures. Dear Spirit of truth, leave us not in this momentous point to seek death in the error of our ways: either to palliate our sins—to extenuate the rigour of the law—or to strive by any future obedience to the law to quell its wrath. O blessed Comforter! lead us to our law fulfilling Head—shew us, that Jesus hath suffered all the penalties of the law for us—took away all its wrath and curse from us—and obtained everlasting peace with God for us. 

Here then it is manifest, whether we have received the Spirit of Truth, or are blinded by the spirit of error. If we attempt to set up any works or doings of our own, to obtain relief from the wrath of the law, sin blinds our eyes and deceives our hearts. If we flee from the wrath of the law, to the grace of Christ, we are enlightened by the Spirit of truth. “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath made us free from the law of sin and death,” (Romans 8:2.) 


A sinner curs’d by Holy Law, 

I flee from wrath to come: 

Lord, fill my refuge soul with joy, 

While here below I roam. 

Let conscience find in Thee sweet peace, 

From all Law’s threat’ning wrath: 

I’ll glory in Thy righteousness. 

Tho’ Law works sin and death.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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