Your Calling in Christ JESUS

"Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure." -II Peter 1:10 [KJV]

Work for life, say the sons of ignorance and pride. Work not at all, Christ has left us nothing to do, say the sons of sloth and licentiousness. But, say the sons of wisdom, we labour and give diligence in the ways of God, not in order to obtain life; not to be saved for what we do; but to enjoy more of the life of Christ, the love of God, and the assurance of His Spirit, that we are His children. To this Peter exhorts. Brethren! Ye who profess to believe in the Son of God, and long to know assuredly that ye are the children of God, “Give diligence.” 

Do not rest in a few idle wishes, cold desires, and formal duties, but be earnest—be active—be upon the stretch for God. As we say, leave no stone unturned. Study the Lord’s word of grace—dwell upon the rich promises of His love—meditate upon the finished salvation of Christ—confer with His people— be fervent in prayer—strive against sin—resist Satan—deny the flesh—cry for the witness of the Spirit, etc. All this, say you, is very good; but I want power to do it. 

Have you a will to do it? Then the Lord Who gave you a will, will strengthen you by His power, while you are found in these things. Nay, say not, you wish to be happy in God, if you neglect to be diligent in the ways of God. For what is this but solemn mockery of God, and sadly deceiving your own soul? Consider the end of this diligence, “To make your calling and election sure.” 

(1st.) Your calling. There is a general call of the gospel, to every sinner who is within the sound of it. Some rest in this. This is not meant. But a special and effectual call, from a death in sin, to life and salvation in Christ: from a proud hope and vain confidence in ourselves and our works, to a lively faith in Christ, and comfortable fellowship with God. 

 (2d.) Your election. This is a frightful word to many. They fight strongly against it. As they believe there is no election of grace, they cannot labour to make their own sure. The apostle leaves such to their own carnal notions. While he assures real believers of this truth, that some are elected according to the foreknowledge of God, (1 Peter 1:2.) and urges them to diligence, to obtain the assurance of their own interest therein. So that you see the doctrine of election, so far from encouraging sloth, is the very spring of diligence and activity. The Lord give us a right judgment in all things; for this will influence to a right walk, and godly conversation in Christ Jesus. 


Called to run the heav’nly race, 

With Christ my prize in view 

I will be diligent, through grace, 

With vigour to pursue. 

My soul, nor tire, look back, nor faint, 

Look up to Christ for peace; 

He will give joy to ev’ry saint, 

From doubts and fears release.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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