"Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." — John 3:7 [KJV]

Spiritual doctrines ever appear to the judgment of carnal reason, foolishness. Marvel not to find the wisdom of natural men ever crying out, "How can these things be?" and explaining away their spiritual meaning by corrupt reasonings. We are not to expect a total freedom from our own carnal objections. The old man is yet alive; the kingdom of his residence, the flesh, is at war against that kingdom into which the soul is spiritually born. Many souls see clearly the nature of the doctrine of a new-birth of the soul, and are convinced of the necessity of it, in order to see the kingdom of God. But how are they straitened, pained, and perplexed to know whether it be accomplished in them or not! 

And indeed, many have so unscripturally treated of the new birth, as sadly to puzzle and grievously distress simple hearts. Is it not marvellous to find men gravely telling us how many steps a dead sinner must take, in order to get into this new birth? The time WHEN, many are uncertain of; for the kingdom of God cometh not with observation. The manner HOW, none can explain; "for the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." But the effects are visible and evident. As sense and motion are the properties of natural life, so when the soul is born again of the Spirit, there is a sight of Jesus, a hearing of His voice, the affections of the soul go out after Him, believing Him to be the way, the truth, and the life. 

Hence, St. John lays down this infallible mark, "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God."—I John 5:1. This is a simple, plain truth. Am I born of God? This must be answered by enquiring, do I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed Son of GOD to the office of a Saviour, for lost and perishing sinners? Does this truth enter into my heart and mind? Is it received and believed as a matter which can only and alone bring relief to my guilty conscience, peace to my troubled mind, and hope to my dejected spirit? 

If so, I do believe in JESUS—He is the object of my faith and the hope of my heart. I am born again, born of GOD, born to see, to enter into, and enjoy the kingdom of GOD. The evidence of this, the soul, gets more and more strongly and clearly settled in the conscience as faith grows and increases. For its fruits will be manifest and abound in seeing sin's filthiness, feeling its burdens, hating and resisting it: striving to maintain a holy fellowship with God the Father, and His Son Jesus, through the Spirit.

Who can describe the joys that rise 

Thro' all the courts of paradise, 

To see a prodigal return, 

To see an heir of glory born?

With joy the Father doth approve 

The fruit of His eternal love; 

The Son with joy looks down and sees 

The purchase of His agonies.

The Spirit takes delight to view 

The holy soul He form'd anew; 

The saints and angels join to sing 

The growing empire of their King.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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