"What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?"Romans 6:1 [KJV]

Believer in Jesus, what are thy thoughts? what is the answer of thine heart this day, in regard to thy walk and conduct in life, from the important doctrines of grace? Canst thou say, the everlasting love of God the Father, reigning through the righteousness of Jesus unto eternal life, manifested in the gospel, and applied by the Holy Spirit through faith, have the least tendency to give reins to thy lust, to open a door of licentiousness, and to encourage thee to continue in sin? Doth the belief of the guilt of sin, being atoned by the precious blood of Jesus, influence thee to the love of sin? Doth the knowledge of Christ's righteousness imputed unto justification of life, tend to make thee delight in unrighteousness and unholiness of life? By no means: God forbid! to bring such an heinous charge against divine truths; O what daring impiety! what horrid blasphemy! Beware of such a thought; indulge it not one moment; it comes from the adversary of all truth; it impeaches the wisdom and holiness of the Spirit of truth; for He reveals these soul-saving, Christ-glorifying, God-honoring truths; and by His gracious gift of faith, sinners receive and embrace them. But to what end? Hereby they see the display of justice; mercy triumphing in righteousness; their souls established in a sense of peace and pardon, and most powerfully influenced to the love of personal holiness and obedience. Sooner ascribe midnight darkness and winter's frost to the source of light and heat of the sun, than once imagine the grace of God leads to sin, or the aboundings of grace to continuance in sin. No; this is through the aboundings of lust—"When LUST hath conceived, it brings forth sin."James 1:15. But grace conceived in the heart, brings forth holiness.

"Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: Yea, we establish the law."Romans 3:31. How? as a covenant of works to us? No; that it was our dear Surety. "Christ is the end (the fulfiller) of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."Romans 10:4. We establish the law, as a rule of duty to us; though not to obtain life, but according to which we ought to walk. So we follow our Lord, and are conformed to Him. O may the cheering light of truth be ever accompanied with the warm influences of the Sun of righteousness upon the heart! "By the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world."II Corinthians 1:12.

"Then shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God, When His salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the pow'r of sin."

I cannot love, nor live in sin, Though sin in me doth still abide: Though sin's alive, I'm dead to sin, My Saviour keeps from lust and pride.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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