"And after the second veil, the tabernacle, which is called the holiest of all." -Hebrews 9:3 [KJV]

The veil of separation between the two tabernacles, no doubt, typified Christ's body, which, in the moment of His death, by an invisible hand, was torn in twain from the top to the bottom, thereby intimating that now all separation was removed, and true believers were permitted to enter, by the blood of Jesus, into the presence of God, He having obtained eternal redemption for them. The second or inner sanctuary, had several very interesting particulars, by way of distinction, belonging to it. The veil of separation, under the Jewish dispensation, intimated, that it was impossible for any to draw nigh to God, but by a mediator.  

When Jesus threw down the separation, and opened a new and living way by His blood, access was obtained to God in Christ; and Jesus, first for Himself, and then for His people, led the way into the holy of holies. The veil of separation set forth how man was separated by sin; by the injury done to God's holiness, and by the natural enmity of his own heart. But when Jesus came, and put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, restored that which He took not away, gave to God His glory, restored to man God's image, and took away the carnal mind, by making the heart of stone a heart of flesh; then it was, that the veil of separation was for ever taken away, and the kingdom of heaven opened to all believers.  

My soul! what saith thine experience to these things? If the veil be removed, and thou art entered in, through Jesus, thy forerunner; then hast thou seen, and known, and felt, and enjoyed the glory of Him, whom those things shadowed; and art rejoicing in Him, as the Lord thy righteousness. And art thou entered within the veil? Art thou resting upon Jesus, having cast anchor within the veil? Surely, then, Jesus is precious: His love is precious, His grace is precious; yea, every thing in Him is precious. And then, by and by, all remaining clouds will be removed, and Him whom thou seest now by faith, thou shalt see, face to face, and know, even as thou art known.  

Precious Lord Jesus! take away all remaining darkness, ignorance, unbelief, and whatever comes in the way of clear views of Thee, and the enjoyment of Thee; and let the covering which is cast over all people, and the blackness over all faces, be removed for the full enjoyment of Thee, in grace here, and in glory to all eternity! Amen. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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