Precious Promises

"We, being many, are one body in Christ." -Romans 12:5 [KJV]

One of the most delightful of all thoughts, and which when fully enjoyed under the influence of the Holy Ghost, gives an unspeakable felicity in the heart, is that union and fellowship of Christ with His church. Ponder it, my soul, this morning. All the members of Christ's body are but one body. the apostle saith, in Christ; "and He is the Head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all." I would never, if possible, lose sight of this, because in the perfect conviction and assurance of it must be found all our security and joy. And the way by which this blessed truth, under divine teaching, will be kept alive in the soul, is this: I would behold myself, what I am by nature and practice in Adam, and connect with this view what I am by grace and faith in Christ.  

Now, as Adam was the common head of all his seed in nature, equally so is Christ the common Head of all His seed in grace. Do I consider that, when Adam sinned in the garden, I as one of his children, and then, as scripture saith of Levi, in respect to his connection with Abraham, was in his loins, part of himself, and consequently implicated and involved in all the good or bad belonging to him? Then it will follow, that in Adam's sin I sinned, and in Adam's condemnation I was included. So then, as Adam did not transgress only for himself, but for all his seed, by nature, that should come from him; equally so when Christ fulfilled all righteousness, and when Christ expiated all sin by the sacrifice of Himself, His seed were considered righteous in Him; and His expiatory sacrifice, as the Head of His people, must be, to all intents and purposes, the same as if they had been sacrificed with Him.  

Cherish this thought, my soul, and never allow thyself to behold Christ as the Christ of God, in the capacity of a private or single person, but as the covenant Head, the Father's Chosen, the Sent, the Sealed, the Anointed of God, in whom all His members are one body in Christ. See that thou hast the Spirit of Christ, by which thou art proved to be one of His. And for the full enjoyment of all the blessings contained in this union and communion with thy glorious Head, daily and hourly remind God thy Father of all His covenant promises made to Christ as the Head of His church and people, in which the Lord hath said, "I will pour My Spirit upon Thy seed, and My blessing upon Thine offspring." 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)                                                    



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