Everlasting Salvation

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” -HEBREWS 13:8 [KJV]

O the everlasting salvation that we have in Jesus Christ! He is the same, and will be the same for ever and ever, and the righteousness He has wrought out for us is like Himself, it is an everlasting righteousness. It covered our first parents. It is true they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves, but God rejected them, as He will reject our self-righteousness, and clothed them with the skins of beasts that had probably been slain in sacrifice.

Abraham had to look to this Jesus for righteousness, and so had the prophets, and so have we. It is an everlasting righteousness, covering all the election of grace in ages gone by, covering them all today, and that will cover them all tomorrow, making them accepted in the presence of a holy God. As it is written, we are “accepted in the Beloved,” beheld all fair and perfect in the Lord Jesus. And as respects the blood of this salvation, it is “the blood of the everlasting covenant.”

All the church of God in ages past has been purged from sin in the blood of Jesus, and the church of God at this day is looking by faith to the blood of the slaughtered Lamb. It will be the same to us tomorrow and as long as we live. And when we have gone to glory we shall shout, “Victory through the blood of the Lamb and the word of His testimony!” That blood will still maintain its power.



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