The Satisfactory Sacrifice
by D.G. Miles McKee

When Jesus called out, “It is finished” [JOHN 19:30] it was a declaration that His redeeming work had been accomplished. Because redemption happened in the past, in history, redemption cannot be undone or added to. Nothing more is needed. It is finished.

At the cross, there was a once-and-for-all completed sacrifice for sin. We were purchased, bought and paid for by the shedding of Christ’s precious blood.

Since the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was completed at Calvary it is incorrect to say that redemption was finalised when Christ sprinkled His blood upon the heavenly mercy seat. There are those who incorrectly teach that the blood of Jesus had to be applied to the heavenly mercy seat to redeem us. They say that if Jesus' blood had soaked into the ground at Calvary, then sins could not have been taken away. Wrong!

Christ ascended into heaven because His work of atonement was finished, not in order to complete it. Of course, He sprinkled His blood on the mercy seat but that was not to achieve redemption. He had already accomplished redemption at the cross. This is made clear when we read,
“But by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, HAVING OBTAINED ETERNAL REDEMPTION FOR US [HEBREWS 9:12].

Notice how eternal redemption had already been obtained before Christ came to the mercy seat. So, let’s say it again. To complete redemption, Jesus did not need to present His blood in heaven.

Why not?

Because our redemption was, by that stage, already un fait accompli (
an accomplished fact: a done deal). See Hebrews 9:7-12, 24 25;10:19; 13:12, 20; 1 John 2:2.

Before we continue with this thought, here’s another gospel truth about Jesus! He, unlike the Old Testament high priest, did not have to make a sin-offering for Himself

Why Not?

Because He was already perfect, sinless and flawless. He was without sin
[HEBREWS 7:26]. There was no need, therefore, for Christ to shed blood for His own redemption. He was the only man who has ever lived who didn’t need a saviour.

But, back to what we were saying. Christ entered heaven having secured our eternal redemption at the cross—
He is now enthroned in heaven as the High Priest who completed the work of redemption [HEBREWS 1:3; 8:1].

Nothing else needed to be added to the work of atonement.


Redemption was not a partially completed work.

He did not leave things half-done.

Our salvation does
not depend upon something we need to do to complete it.
Christ did not have to do some atoning act in heaven. Redemption was finished, done, complete! The mission was accomplished!
[JOHN 19:30].

The sacrifice of Christ was made once for all on the cross. Any theory of atonement, therefore, which teaches that Jesus Christ needed to take His blood with Him into heaven (or hell) to complete our salvation, denies the finished work of the cross.

We do not need another sacrifice. We do not need the mythical bloodless sacrifice of the Roman Catholic Mass in order to be made right with God.

We do not need another sacrifice. The one we have will do just fine.

We do not need another sacrifice. Jesus Christ willingly offered Himself in our place by shedding His blood as the price of our redemption [MATTHEW 20:28].

We do not need another sacrifice. Every person who trusts on Jesus Christ for salvation is eternally secure in Him [JOHN 10:28-29]. We have been redeemed out of slavery forever [GALATIANS 3:13; 4:4-5]. He purchased us with His blood and took us out of the marketplace. We are no longer available; we are off limits. We are now owned by God….and He refuses to re-sell His precious possessions which He bought with His blood [ACTS 20:28].

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

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