The Debt Removed

A statement is received in the mail informing you that such-and-such an amount is due by some specific date. Should you choose to do so, you could destroy the bill in a paper shredder so that you no longer see it. You may decide, in fact, not to even think about the obligation again, ignoring and discarding every reminder of your indebtedness. Your refusal to acknowledge and take care of your financial responsibility, however, does not make the indebtedness go away. It is, however, an entirely different thing to pay the debt and enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that it has been expunged from your record.

You and I may choose to ignore our spiritual indebtedness to God for our sinfulness, but that does not make the debt go away and, consequently, there can be no real peace of heart in knowing it has been removed. How different it is to believe the Word of God that declares to every sinner who trusts the blessed Savior that their entire obligation to divine justice was removed at the cross, paid IN DUE TIME [ROMANS 5:6] by the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. The reality of the removal of the indebtedness and the resulting joyfulness and assurance of knowing it has been legally retired by the Redeemer comes to us upon being regenerated by the Holy Spirit and brought to faith in Christ.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

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