The Christ of all the ages sits sovereign on the throne,
To rule in earth and heaven, By His own hand alone.
He holds the righteous scepter, The One who purged our sins;
From death and hell now risen, His kingdom never ends.

The Christ of all the ages, Both God and Mary's Son;
The everlasting Father, He reigns the mighty One.
To give both grace and glory to those for whom He died.
The blood-bought ones He purchased, can never be denied.

The Christ of all the ages, our ever-living Priest,
Who maketh intercession to give us daily peace.
And in His throne of glory, we find a throne of grace.
He calls us to come boldly into the holy place.

The Christ of all the ages through sorrows and through pains my hope,
my joy, and my comfort, at all times He remains.
The One who never changes, As God and Man who came;
My righteousness forever and every day the same!

Words by Gary Shepard, 76.76 Double
The Church's One Foundation


It is absolutely necessary for us to be well acquainted with, and rightly influenced by gospel truths and principles, to the intent that we may be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. If sin be removed in its guilt and condemnation from our minds, then we have nothing to fear from death and judgment; for, where the blood of Christ is truly known, there the peace of God is enjoyed, which always makes way for our communion with God, in the real enjoyment of His love.”

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard


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