I know The Way

Sometimes the most profound wisdom can be stated in the simplest way. One of our brethren was talking to another brother, one who is older in age and older in the faith. They were talking about doubts with which we as believers are plagued throughout our Christian life. Doubt (even unbelief) is that sin that so easily clings to us, entangles and hinders us, in the life and walk of faith (Hebrews 12:1). The only remedy is to run the race of grace with endurance looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). We who know Christ also know that it is by His will, grace, and power alone, not our own, that we persevere in the faith. In their conversation, the younger brother asked the older one, “Do you ever think you are lost, that you are not saved?” The older believer replied, “Yes, I sometimes in moments of doubt do think such thoughts, but I always come back to this, I CAN'T BE LOST BECAUSE I KNOW THE WAY.”

Brethren, we will be plagued with sins of doubt and unbelief throughout our life here on earth, but the simple fact is this, IF WE KNOW CHRIST, WE KNOW THE WAY, AND IF WE KNOW THE WAY, WE CANNOT BE LOST. Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE” (John 14:6) for His people. HE is the way of grace, for salvation is all of the sovereign grace of God in HIM, the God-man/Mediator. He is the way of the cross, for His blood cleanses us from all sin. He is the way of righteousness, for His righteousness imputed is our complete justification before God. He is the way of spiritual life and faith, for believing and resting in Him and His finished work, we walk in the light of His glory and truth. Christ is the only way and the sure way of salvation and final glory. Looking to and following Him, we cannot be lost!

-Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker


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