JESUS: Full of Grace, Almighty Arms & Everlasting Love

"Underneath are the everlasting arms." -Deuteronomy 33:27 [KJV]

It is related of Anteus, that every time Hercules threw him to the ground, he rose up the stronger, for he received new strength, by touching his mother, the earth. This is true of the Christian. The more he is assaulted, and thrown down by the enemy, the more he falls into the Lord’s everlasting arms, and gets fresh strength. He cannot be thrown down lower than God permits: for “underneath are the everlasting arms.” His word is full of grace—His arms almighty—His love everlasting. Here is the wisdom, here the glory of the Lord’s people, to look for themselves, to go out of themselves, for safety and salvation. 

For they rest upon God’s word. They believe the Lord to be all that to them, which He has said. This is living by faith—honouring the Lord’s truth—glorifying the Saviour’s name. Why are we told? “Underneath are the everlasting arms.” Because we know and see ourselves deserving of hell, and liable to fall into the pit of destruction. Therefore the Lord would have our hearts strong in Him, and in the power of His might, that we might not fear the face of any enemy, nor be dismayed under the sense of our own vileness, and insufficiency to stand. The spouse of Christ, thus sweetly expresses her comfort and safety. “His left hand is under my head: His right hand doth embrace me,” (Song of Solomon 2:6.)  

Signifying, that she was encircled in the arms of her loving Saviour. Both hands were engaged for her safety and support. O drooping believer! Why dost thou hang down thy head? Why those dejecting doubts, and distressing fears? Look back to the everlasting covenant. There almighty love presided. Then wast thou viewed, and thy case provided for. Look up, there sits a God of love on a throne of grace. There stands the blessed Advocate, Jesus, ever pleading thy cause. Look underneath, there are the everlasting arms to sustain, and support thee. What power then shall prevail against thee? Neither sin, death, or hell, can snatch thee out of the everlasting arms of thy almighty God, thy reconciled Father: out of the loving arms of thy gracious Redeemer: out of the powerful arms of the Holy Ghost, thy Sanctifier. 

Everlasting safety is in everlasting arms. Here is a covenant declaration. Exercise the covenant grace of faith upon this text. (1st.) “The eternal God is thy refuge.” Flee to Him in distress. (2d.) His everlasting arms are underneath. Rejoice in thy safety. (3d.) He will thrust out every enemy before thee, and speak destruction to them. Happy art thou, O believer! Who is like unto thee, saved by thy Lord! 


O Lord, I bless Thee for Thy word, 

To build my faith upon; 

Which doth such daily strength afford, 

My heavily race to run.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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