The Wednesday Word ~ 11 September, 2024 A.D.

A Powerful “I will” from the Master

by D.G. Miles McKee

I hate it when people´s “I will,” doesn´t amount to, as they say in Texas, ‘a hill of beans.’  Unfortunately, some people often say “I will” when they privately mean “I won´t.” But when it comes to the “I wills” of Jesus, if we studied them, would see that everything He promised to do, He did, does and will do. We can trust Him on that. 

Take for example the “I Will” of Salvation.

In John 6:37 Jesus says: “All that the Father gives to Me come to Me and he that comes to Me I will in no wise cast out.” Literally, I will never, never cast out. We are the Father´s gift to the Lord Jesus and He will never cast us out.  Do you trust this promise He has made to you?

To come to Jesus means to trust Him for salvation.  Unfortunately, there are those who think they are too unworthy to come to Him. If this is how you think, I would remind you that Christ came to save, not good people, but sinners like you and me; people who have gone astray and have come short of the glory of God.

Listen to this “I will”–and notice there are no exceptions. Jesus said, “He that comes to Me I will in no wise cast out.”  Not him that comes to church I will in no wise cast out. No! Rather we are to come to Him, to Jesus, the faithful Saviour. I don´t care how bad you feel about yourself, come to Jesus, He will not cast you out.  Come just as you are and take Him at His word.

He will take those who are full of sin.

He will take the despised.

He will take the rejected.

He will take those who have sunk low into the depths of wickedness. Jesus is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

A certain preacher in his sermon, “The Certainty and Freeness of Divine Grace” tells us that,

John Newton was a blasphemer of so gross a kind, that even the sailors in the vessel in the storm they encountered thought that they should never get to port with such a sinner as John Newton on board; but Newton looked to Jesus and was not cast out and lived to preach the Word.

John Bunyan was so foul a blasphemer, that even a woman of the street, who passed him by and heard him swear, said that he was enough to corrupt the whole parish; and he was astonished that a woman of so bad a character should so rebuke him. John Bunyan looked to Jesus, and he was not cast out; he lived to have the honour of suffering for his Master, and to be the winner of multitudes of souls.

Saul of Tarsus had stained himself with the blood of saints; he was a wolf after Christ’s sheep. He was not satisfied with worrying them in his own land, so he obtained power to persecute them in Damascus; but when he fell upon his face and cried for mercy, he was not cast out.

Manasseh was blood-red with the murder of God’s prophets. It is said that he cut the prophet Isaiah in two with a saw; and yet, when out of the low dungeon Manasseh cried for mercy, he was not cast out.

What a powerful “I will” from the Master, “He that comes to me I will in no wise cast out.

 You are not so wicked that Christ Jesus will reject you.

And that´s the Gospel Truth! ‘Til He Comes...


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