Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 September, 2024 A.D.

"Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest." -Luke 22:60 [KJV]

No, Peter! Why he speaks plain enough. He is confident of thy person, knows thy voice, and the very brogue of thy tongue. He boldly affirms, “Of a truth thou wast with Jesus.” This is a downright lie, to say, “I know not what thou sayest.” Peter is ashamed of his Lord. Is he not ashamed of himself? Not yet. He lied horridly. Next, he cursed and swore bitterly. 

Might we not expect to hear next, he was damned eternally? He deserved it. Was he here now, he would confess it from the very ground of his heart. But he is above, confessing his desert of damnation, and ascribing salvation to God and the Lamb. For, “the Lord turned and looked upon Peter.” O who can say, what there was in that turn, and that look! Lord, give us to feel some of the grace and power of it, that we may improve it. 

Consider, (1st.) sin is sin, in God’s saints, as well as others. Yea, their sins exceed all others. Yes, and God sees sin in them too, as well as others. And He will surely punish them for sin too. Let us not be wise above what is written. Saith the Lord, “You only have I known (with the love of a tender Father) of all the families of the earth, therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” (Amos 3:2.) Who can say what a hell of agonies Peter felt, when he wept bitterly? He fully experienced that truth which he afterwards preached to others. “Judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17.) 

(2d.) See what this judgment is. Not damnation for sin, but condemnation for sin in the heart and conscience. The sight of it: feeling, mourning, groaning under a sense of it: looking up to God, with a broken heart, a contrite spirit, a sorrowful soul, crying out, “Against Thee, O Lord, have I sinned, and done evil in Thy sight.” Nothing but Thy blood, O Jesus, can cleanse me. O my God, let Thy grace pardon me, and Thy Spirit comfort me. 

(3d.) What affects any sinner thus? The Saviour’s turning and looking upon the soul. Sin naturally hardens the heart, and sears the conscience. Peter, after his awful fall, would have run away from Christ: given himself up to the service of sin and Satan, till he fell into hell, if the Lord had left him to himself. So would you and I. But Jesus turns from His anger against our sins: turns to us in love. He looks. Instead of frowning us into black despair, and eternal damnation, He looks with love: He speaks love into our souls: He melts our hearts with His gracious, loving looks, into sorrow and remorse for our sins; and with hopes of mercy and pardon from His loving heart. “For where sin abounded, grace much more abounds.” -Romans 5:20


His firmest purpose will not stand, 

Behold his guilt and shame; 

Lord keep me by Thy mighty hand, 

And I shall do the same.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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