
Showing posts from 2025


" The holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus." -II Timothy 3:13 [KJV] We never think to any purpose about salvation, till we see our own condemnation for sin. Has there ever been a tribunal set up in your conscience? Have you been arraigned, and have you held up your hand at the bar of justice? Has the law of God brought its charge against you? Have you, from inward conviction of sin, been forced to plead guilty? Then the law pronounces its curses upon you, and there it leaves you, under its guilt and terror. For, to convince and to condemn, is all the law can do.  The Lord knows, and self-condemned sinners know too, (I speak for one,) this is a most deplorable state. Now, the once neglected book of God becomes most precious to the soul. The believing sinner now sees, as he had no knowledge of sin, but by the law, so he can obtain no knowledge of salvation, but by the gospel. Such a soul is wise; b...

Eternal Life is the Sure Portion of All Christ's Redeemed

"From this day will I bless thee." -Haggai 2:19 [KJV] My soul, what day is the memorable day to thee from whence commenced thy blessings? No doubt from everlasting the Lord hath blessed His people in Jesus. But the commencement of thy personal enjoyment of those blessings, was at the time the Lord graciously laid the foundation of His spiritual temple in thee; the blessed, the gracious, the auspicious, the happy day, when the Lord made thee willing in the day of His power? Oh! blessed day, never, never to be forgotten! A day of light; when the light of Jesus first broke in upon me. A day of life; when the Lord Jesus quickened my poor soul, which before was laying dead in trespasses and sins. A day of love; when His love first was made known to my soul, Who so loved me as to give His dear and ever-blessed Son for me: and His love was sweetly manifested, Who so loved me as to give Himself for me. A day of the beginning of victory, over death and hell, and the grave....

Christ JESUS is The Savior in the Time of Trouble

"O L ORD , be gracious unto us; we have waited for Thee: be Thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble." -Isaiah 33:2 [KJV] Israel has often to pass through times of sorrow and trouble. Deep temporal and deep spiritual trouble is the allotted portion of many, if not of most of the people of God. But having found that the Lord is a Saviour, and the only Saviour Who can support in trouble and deliver out of trouble, there is this conviction deeply implanted and firmly written upon their heart, that He is a Saviour in the time of trouble. It is the purpose of God to hunt us out of all lying refuges, that we may believe in Jesus to the saving of our soul; that we may prove that He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him; that we may learn what salvation is, and that we may know it for ourselves as a divine and blessed reality.  Thus though He is always a Saviour, yet He is not experimentally a Saviour in times of ...

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.

" O visit me with Thy salvation." -Psalm 106:4 [KJV] There is no good obtained by paying trifling visits, and receiving trifling visitors. The soul that is alive to God, will refrain from such an impertinent way of sacrificing its time. “Christ hath redeemed us from our vain conversation , ” (I Peter 1:18.) Our grand business is, to be looking at, glorying in, and talking of His righteousness, and His salvation all the day long. This was David’s practice. If we followed it more, we too should say with him, “My lips shall greatly rejoice, and my soul which Thou hast redeemed , ” (Psalm 71:23.) As our joy in Jesus increases, carnal, impertinent acquaintance will forsake us. Here is the cry of a convinced sinner, of a truly gracious heart, O visit me with Thy salvation . This is a blessed frame of soul. Lord help us to consider it, and animate us to live to Thee. Here is spiritual sight, and spiritual feeling. What is a Christian without these? Truly sunk into a...

Thought for the Day ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.

No thanks to the Roman Catholic church it was against the law for anyone but the priests to possess a copy of the Scriptures, especially so during the time of the 13-15 th centuries. In order for the word of God to come into the English language, there was a lot of work done by a number of great men during that time.  These men risked their very lives to put the word of God into the English language and into the hands of the common people.   In 1380 A.D., John Wycliffe was among the first try to bring the Latin version of the Bible into English.  He was greatly influenced by the Lollard Anabaptists, and might have been a Lollard himself.   Another man of note is William Tyndale.  In 1534 A.D., he is of the first to bring a translation of the Bible from the original languages , Hebrew and Greek .  He was a Lollard Anabaptist.  As much as 5/6ths to 9/10ths of the KJV Bible is attributed directly to him. And there were other g...

Everlasting Exemption from All Want

"They shall hunger no more." -Revelation 7:16 [KJV] My soul! contemplate for a moment, before thou enterest upon the concerns of time and sense, in the claims of the world, the blessed state of the redeemed above. They are at the fountain-head of happiness, in their station, in their service, in their society, in their provision, in their everlasting exemption from all want, and above all, in the presence of God and the Lamb. "They shall hunger no more." Sweet thought! Let me this day anticipate as many of the blessed properties of it as my present state in Jesus will admit. If Jesus be my home, my residence, my dwelling-place, will not the hungerings of my soul find supply? Yes, surely. A life of faith on the Son of God, is a satisfying life, under all the changes of the world around. Finding Jesus, I find sustenance in Him, and therefore do not hunger for ought besides Him. "Thou art my hiding-place , " said one of old; and my soul finds ...

Mount Zion ~ The City of the Great King

"Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." -Psalm 48:2 [KJV] We have sometimes thought that the reason why Zion typically represents the royal throne of Jesus is by many not well understood. Mount Zion literally was a steep hill of Jerusalem, so steep and inaccessible that for generations after the children of Israel had gained possession of the land, it still remained, like a little Gibraltar, in the hands of the Jebusites, the original inhabitants of the place. "As for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day" (Joshua 15:63). But when David was anointed king over Israel, and had reigned at Hebron seven years and six months, he cast his eyes toward Jerusalem, as a preferable metropolis, and a more suitable seat of his extended empire. But as ...

Is Not Christ thy Only Great & Chief Desire?

"...and that He died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him Who died for them, and rose again." -II Corinthians 5:15 [KJV] Christ died for all, “Whom the Father gave to Him , ” (John 17:9.) Sooner or later, all these willingly and cheerfully come unto, or believe on Christ. Joyful to remember, we are drawn to Christ by the love of the Father, or else we never should have come to Him (see John 6:44.) Now, we have done with working for life, and asking, What must we do to be saved? For now, we actually are saved, and really do live.  (1st.) We are saved from the love of sin, from our natural hatred to the doctrines of grace, and from our aversion to full justification and final salvation by the word of Christ only. Legal self-righteous professors exclaim, ‘Do not tell us of doctrines of grace, but of what we must do to be saved.’ Truly, the way is plain: there is work enough for them to do. If they will enter into...

GO UNTO JESUS! Captain of our Salvation...

"And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him, and he became a captain over them." -I Samuel 22:2 [KJV] My soul, was not this thy case when thou first sought after Jesus? Thou wert, indeed, in debt under an heavy load of insolvency. Distress and discontent sadly marked thy whole frame. Unconscious where to go, or to whom to seek, and no man cared for thy soul. Oh! what a precious thought it was, and which none but God the Holy Ghost could have put into thine heart— Go unto Jesus!   And when I came, and Thou didst graciously condescend to be my Captain, from that hour how hath my soul been revived! My insolvency Thou hast taken away; for Thou hast more than paid the whole demands of the law; for Thou hast magnified it, and made it honourable. My distress under the apprehension of divine justice Thou hast removed; for God's justice, by Thee, is not only satisfied, but gl...

The New Man of Grace

"Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace." -Romans 4:16 [KJV] Of faith we read expressly that "It is the gift of God." This is the grand master-grace of the soul; it is the grand wheel which moves every other wheel in the heart; it is the eye, the ear, the hand of the new man of grace. Only so far as we have faith, and the Lord draws out this faith in exercise, have we any true spiritual feeling. But what makes me prize the gift of faith? It is knowing so much and so painfully the inbeing and inworking of unbelief. Is not this the case naturally? What makes me prize health? It is having a poor, weakly tabernacle. What makes me prize rest? Fatigue. What makes me prize ease? It is pain. What makes me prize food? It is hunger. What makes me prize the cup of cold water? It is thirst. By these feelings, I not only know the reality by the want of it, but also enjoy the blessing when communicated. It is just so spiritually, as naturally. What can...

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 05 March, 2025 A.D.

" Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -I Corinthians 13:13 [KJV] It is a pity it was not rendered love, instead of charity, all through this chapter: it certainly would have been a means of preventing much error.  Consider, (1st.) The abiding of love. It springs from faith and hope, and has no existence in the heart without them. We have no more love to God, than a beast, yea, than a devil has, till we believe His love to us, and hope in His promises made to us in Christ Jesus. We love Him. Why? Because, merely of the glories and perfections of His nature, is He the object of our supreme love? No, but rather “because He first loved us” (I John 4:19.) How has God manifested His love to us? In this: “Because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (verse 9.) But our hearts are strangers to this love, till we believe in Jesus, and hope in His salvation. Then the effect ...

Strength in Christ JESUS our LORD

"Faint, yet pursuing." -Judges 8:4 [KJV] Surely what is said here concerning the little army of Gideon, suits my case exactly. I know that in Jesus the victory is certain; but I know also, that I shall have battlings all the way. From the moment that the Lord called me out of darkness into His marvellous light, my whole life hath been but a state of warfare; and feel what Paul felt, and groan as he groaned, under a body of sin and death; "as sorrowful, yet rejoicing; as dying, but behold I live; as chastened, and not killed." Truly I am faint, under the many heavy assaults I have sustained; and yet, through grace, pursuing as if I had met with no difficulty. Yes, blessed Jesus; I know that there can be no truce in this war; and looking unto Thee, I pray to be found faithful unto death, that no man may take my crown. But, dearest Lord! Thou seest my day of small things; Thou beholdest how faint I am. Thou seest also, how the enemy assaults me! and how ...

The Exceeding Greatness of Almighty God's POWER

"And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead." -Ephesians 1:19, 20 [KJV] Man needs to be roused by a mighty and effectual power out of his state of sleep and death. It is not a little pull, a gentle snatch at his coat, a slight tug of his sleeve, which will pull him out of his sins. He must be snatched from them as a person would be snatched out of bed when the house is on fire, or pulled out of a river when sinking for the last time. Let us never think that the work of grace upon the heart is a slight or superficial one. Indeed, there needs a mighty work of grace upon a sinner's heart to deliver him from his destructions. We always, therefore, find the work of grace to begin by a spiritual sight and sense of our ruined condition before God. But this alone will not suffice to make us true-hearted disciples of Jesus. It is a ...

The Wednesday Word ~ 05 March, 2025 A.D.

Jesus at the Right Hand. Part II   by D. G. Miles McKee There’s a story about a pilot of a small plane who lost his way in a thick fog, and in a state of panic sent out a distress call. “May Day, May Day… can anyone out there hear me?” The duty officer in a nearby control tower responded, and, after identifying himself, asks, “What is your present height and position?” “I’m 6 feet tall and I’m sitting in the front seat of the plane!” Misapplying a literal question can be confusing, but, when reading the Bible, mistaking the figurative for the literal brings, “confusion twice confounded.” This is what happens when we fail to see that the term ‘The Right Hand’ is figurative or more correctly, anthropomorphic language, language that ascribes human characteristics to nonhuman things.   There are several meanings associated with the Right Hand.    First, the Right Hand is a hand of  Blessing .  Consider   Genesis 48:1...

Short-Wave / World-Band Radio Gospel broadcast INFO

Friends,  If you have a short-wave radio there's a 15-minute hard-hitting, Christ exalting Gospel message broadcast via World Wide Christian Radio (WWCR) on the following days, times and frequencies: "Storm Warning: Prove All Things"   Speaker: "Sinner Saved" Thursday - 0845 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 13.845 MHz Friday - 2215 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 4.840 MHz Saturday - 0330 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 4.840 MHz Saturday - 0845 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 13.845 MHz Saturday - 1900 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 5.935 MHz  Please feel free to write and give a reception report and your location. Thanks kindly in advance. Email:  The LORD JESUS Christ be magnified!

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 04 March, 2025 A.D.

" The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity." -Psalm 125:3 [KJV] How shall we draw the line between the righteous and the wicked? How shall we distinguish them, seeing they are both alike the subjects of a wicked nature, derived from Adam the sinner, their father? The Holy Ghost does this. He sets a mark upon the righteous, by which they are essentially distinguished from the wicked, in the first verse of this Psalm: “They trust in the Lord.”   The wicked trust in themselves, that they are righteous; trust in their own power, to make and keep themselves so; and hope for God’s favour and heaven, because they are so. They trust in their own wisdom to guide them through life, and to their own goodness to make them happy in death. The righteous are stript of their righteousness: they are convinced of sin: they are poor, hopeless, desperate, and in a forlorn and wretched condition as to...