By Christ JESUS Alone ~ Sins Blotted Out and Forgotten

"I, even I AM HE, Who blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins." -Isaiah 43:25 [KJV]

With tears of joy and emotions of love, my once dearly beloved and much honoured friend, now with Jesus, the late  Mr. Jones, minister of St. Saviour’s, told me, The awful charges which precede, and the free and unmerited grace which is proclaimed in this text, made the first impressions of the Saviour’s love upon his heart. O that the Lord of all grace may give us some comfort from it to-night! Here grace shines with meridian splendour; here grace gloriously reigns, over all the aboundings of sin: here grace sweetly triumphs over all the baseness and unworthiness of the sinner. 

In the two former verses, God arraigns the culprit, reads a black catalogue of indictment against him, and concludes with, “Thou hast made Me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied Me with thine iniquities.” The sinner is struck dumb. He dare not deny it. The Judge proceeds to pass sentence. What is it? Vengeance, hell fire, and damnation? What else could be expected? Be astonished, O heavens! Shout for joy, O sinners, upon earth. I, even I am He—what? Who will be avenged of thee? 

Yes, but it is love which takes vengeance upon thy sins, and will melt down thy hard, thy base heart; that blotteth out thy transgressions. What, my soul, the very God whom thou hast made to serve with thy sins, and wearied with thine iniquities, will He blot them all out? Yes, as a black cloud is dispelled by the sun, or dispersed by the wind; or as an immense debt is discharged by the stroke of the pen of a merciful creditor, never more to appear against, or be demanded of the debtor. 

For, O wonder of love! He saith farther, and will not remember thy sins. I cannot forget my sins. How then can my Lord? They are all forgiven and forgotten as thy sins. The Lord remembers He laid them all upon His Son, thy Surety. Then they passed from thee to Him. Then they were all atoned for by Him. Why all this? For the sake of thy works? For any terms and conditions thou hast performed? Spurn the thought. Hear thy Lord: For Mine own sake, the dear Jesus blotted out thy sins with His blood. The loving Father blots them out for the sake of His justice and truth. 

The gracious Spirit blots them out of the conscience, for the glory of the Father and the Son, and because He is the Comforter of poor sinners. O what boundless bliss is here! Believe, rejoice, and love. Here is most joyful gospel news—


Sin’s blotted and forgot! 

On this sweet Word, my soul, now muse, 

‘Till comfort thou hast got. 

Then give thy Lord His glory due; 

Rejoice, adore, and love: 

Thou art as safe from sin and woe, 

As those in heav’n above.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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