"Is His mercy clean gone for ever? doth His promise fail for evermore?" -Psalm 77:8 [KJV]

It is one thing for God to desert, and another to disinherit. The former He frequently does by His children; the latter He never did to any one of them. He may change in His conduct to them, but never in His love for them. That is a sweet expostulation of the Lord’s, “How shall I give thee up Ephraim?” (Hosea 11:8.) It reminds us of the tender affection of a loving father to a disobedient son, with a pen in his hand, just going to execute a deed to disinherit him. But love pleads: his fatherly bowels yearn; his heart melts. Though he is disobedient, yet he is my child, my heir, the son of my loins; I cannot give him up; I cannot cut him off; I will not do it! 

The love of God to His children infinitely exceeds that of the most tender parent. He allows there may be such monsters in nature, for a mother not to have compassion on the son of her womb. But, says the Lord, “I will never forget thee” (Isaiah 49:15.) “For, he will rest, or be silent in His love” (Zepheniah 3:17.) Though thou dost not hear the voice of comfort, and the melody of joy, yet His love is the same. He cannot change. “God is love” (I John 4:8.) Nothing but love to His people in Christ: therefore it is impossible for His mercy to be clean gone, or His promise ever to fail. 

It was of His rich mercy and great love, that He quickened us, when dead in sins (Ephesians 2:4.) Therefore, we cannot perish for want of mercy. “God’s promises are all in Christ Jesus, Yea and Amen, to His own glory” (II Corinthians 1:20.) Therefore, God would lose the glory of His truth, if one of them should fail. O! why then should any distressed sinner thus question His mercy and His promise? Take shame to thyself. Say with the Psalmist, “It is my infirmity.” No marvel, if, under infirmities, you call in question the mercy and truth of a faithful, covenant God; that you should question your own state, and think you are not a vessel of mercy, and that not one promise is for you. 

But your very questioning, fears, and concerns shew it. The dead in sin look not for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life. Unregenerate souls see nothing of the exceeding great and precious promises, which are in Christ Jesus: they have no concern about it. O, therefore, instead of questioning God’s mercy, plead it! Own this as thy sin, to doubt it. Instead of doubting His promises, look at them; glory in them; give God the glory of them. Stagger not at the promise, through unbelief. “Be strong in faith, and give glory to God” (Romans 4:20.)


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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