Our Impotence & Jesus' Sovereignty

"The man which had the withered hand." -Mark 3:3 [KJV]

Surely the man in the jewish synagogue, which had a withered hand, will, in the history of his disease and cure, furnish me, this evening, with a very improving meditation. Do Thou, blessed Jesus, the great Healer both of soul and body, render it profitable, by Thy gracious instruction to my heart. This poor man had a withered hand, not only sinew-shrunk, but wasting away. He attended divine worship, for Jesus found him in the synagogue. But we do not read that he asked the mercy from Christ. It was Jesus that first looked upon him; and not he on the Lord Jesus. "Stretch forth thine hand," said the Son of God. Instantly the poor man found the powers of nature restored, the shrunk sinew became lengthened, and the hand which had wasted away, was restored.  

Pause, my soul! look at the subject as it concerns thyself. How long didst thou attend the means of grace under a withered soul? And to this hour, had not Jesus looked on thee, thou wouldest not have looked on Him. Were Jesus to suspend His blessings till sinners had prepared themselves for them, or deserved them, never would blessings come at all. And did Jesus speak, as to this poor man, and bid thee live? Did Jesus command thee to stretch forth thy dead and lifeless soul, and say unto thee, "I am thy salvation?" 

Surely, then, thy God's commands conveyed with them ability; and the same voice which said, "stretch forth thine hand," gave vigour to the hand to lay hold of His mercy. How sweet is this view of thy impotence, and Jesus's sovereignty! Here we see that scripture most completely fulfilled: "He sent His word, and healed them; and delivered them from their destructions. Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men." -Psalm 107:20, 21 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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