O Lord Jesus, please help us!

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit sayeth unto the churches.” 

-Revelation 3:22 [KJV]

One of the old preachers is reported to have said, ‘I preach as one who may never preach again, as a dying man to dying men.’ How solemn a thought that is to those of us charged with preaching. Let us not tickle the ears of dying men with the trifles of earthly issues and vain religion.

But does this principle not apply in some way to the man who listens? Ought we not say every time we come to worship, ‘I listen as one who may never hear again, as a dying man among dying men’? God grant us the same seriousness in hearing as we expect in preaching!” 

-Gospel report by preacher Joe Terrell
Grace Community church of Rock Valley, Iowa USA


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