JEHOVAH SHALOM - Christ JESUS is our Peace!

Many brethren that we know and love are going through difficult trials right now. Some are enduring sickness, others are enduring loss. Our Lord told us in JOHN 16:33 that our life in the earth would be this way. He said, “...In the world ye shall have tribulation...”

The reason all of God’s people suffer tribulation is because all of God’s people suffer with sin. Sin is the root of all our trouble. Sin destroyed our souls; it destroys our bodies; it destroys our peace, and brings nothing but trials and trouble to us and everything around us. But in the same verse our Lord said,
“These things have I spoken unto you, that IN ME ye might have peace.”

The reason all of God’s people can have peace in Christ, in spite of all of our trials and tribulation, is because Christ has overcome all of the sin that has destroyed us! Christ has redeemed our souls; Christ has redeemed our bodies; and Christ has secured eternal peace and rest for all those who are in Him. It is true:
in the world we shall have tribulation, but in Christ we can be of good cheer; because Christ has overcome the sorrow, sickness, and sin of this world.

-Gospel report by preacher Gabe Stalnaker

Kingsport Sovereign Grace church of Kingsport Tennessee USA

Audio Gospel Sermon, “A Look At God’s Goodness” (Psalm 107)!


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