
Showing posts from April, 2018

Gospel Report of Encouragement

"...the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: He is their strength in the time of trouble." -Psalm 37:39  Times of trouble try the saint of God, and they are meant to do so; that is the very purpose why they are sent, for "the LORD trieth the righteous" (Psalm 11:5). Still the promise holds good: "He is their strength in the time of trouble." When He breaks up the fountains of the great deep of sin and iniquity, He strengthens His people that they may not be carried away by the flood. When He hides His face, He strengthens them to say, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15). When temptation besets them sore, when they are put into the furnace, the Lord is with them there , as He was with the three men whom Nebuchadnezzar cast in.  The Son of God is there with them, so that not a hair of their head is singed, nor does the smell of fire pass upon them (Daniel 3:27). In all their afflictions He is afflicted, and by ...
Gospel Report of Encouragement! Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in "SO GREAT SALVATION" by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His unmerited favor (-God's sovereign free grace) from their sins and from Hell. For your serious and prayerful consideration: " Salvation is of the LORD. " -Jonah 2:9c [KJV] "The gospel, my dear sir, is a salvation appointed for those who are ready to perish, and is not designed to put them in a way to save themselves by their own works. It speaks to us as condemned already, and calls upon to believe in a crucified Savior, that we may receive redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins. And the Spirit of God, by the Gospel, first convinces us of unbelief, sin and misery; and then, by revealing the things of Christ to our minds, enables us, as helpless sinners, to come to Christ, to receive Him, to behold Him, or, in other words...

The Grace of Our LORD JESUS!

“And the Word was made flesh…full of grace and truth” - John 1:14 “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”   - John 1:17 God’s revelation of Himself is a marvel. The scriptures record His self-disclosure. The pinnacle of revelation is found in Christ. The apostle exulted: “ Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person ” (Hebrews 1:3) ! From the verses for our consideration, John declared the union of “ grace ” and “ truth ”.    ...What did John mean by “ full of grace and truth ”? Grace is God’s unearned, undeserved, unmerited and unsought saving favor. Truth is the definition of God’s eternal thought concerning Himself, His creation and His deeds. Grace opposes works; Truth opposes falsehoods. Grace is exclusively conditioned on Christ. Truth is exclusively fulfilled in Christ. Together they picture the gospel of Christ in contrast with the Law of Moses. Together they are the ...
SINNERS NEED A MIRACLE   "...when the scribes and Pharisees saw Him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto His disciples, How is it that He eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners? When JESUS heard it, He saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance ." ---Gospel of Mark 2:16-17 [KJV]   If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses; but if he is blind, he needs a miracle only God can give– SIGHT! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid; but if he is dead, he needs a miracle only God can give– LIFE! If a man has a weak heart, perhaps changing his diet and habits will improve his condition; but if he has a stony heart, a deceitful, desperately wicked heart, he needs this miracle- "a NEW HEART also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and...
"Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near" -Isaiah 55:6 [KJV] Heads-up neighbors  --- Please find enclosed Encouragement in "SO GREAT SALVATION" by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace ( God's unmerited favor ) from their sins and from Hell. For your serious and prayerful consideration:   "When a man is soundly killed to all his sins, to all his righteousness, to all his comforts whatsoever; and sees that there is no way but the devil must have him, but he must be damned in Hell, if he be not clothed with Jesus Christ; "O! then, (says he) give me Christ on any terms, whatsoever He cost; though He cost me friends, though He cost me comforts, though He cost me all that ever I have!" Like the wise merchant in the Gospel, they will sell all to get that pearl (Matthew 13:46). I tell you, when a soul is brought ...