Short-Wave / World-Band Radio Gospel broadcast INFO
If you have a short-wave radio there's a 15-minute hard-hitting, Christ exalting Gospel message broadcast via World Wide Christian Radio (WWCR) on the following days, times and frequencies:
"Storm Warning: Prove All Things"
Speaker: "Sinner Saved"
Thursday - 0845 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 13.845 MHz
Friday - 2215 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 4.840 MHz
Saturday - 0330 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 4.840 MHz
Saturday - 0845 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 13.845 MHz
Saturday - 1900 Hours (U.S. Eastern Time) on 5.935 MHz
Please feel free to write and give a reception report and your location. Thanks kindly in advance. Email:
The LORD JESUS Christ be magnified!