The Time of Reformation

"Then said JESUS unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself." -Matthew 16:24 [KJV]

We are called to follow Christ in the regeneration, (Matthew 19:28.) That is, in the new state of things, called, “the time of reformation,” (Hebrews 9:10) wherein He has set all things right between God and us sinners. Christ has not left us any thing to do, whereby to satisfy divine justice, and to fulfil the holy law, in order to procure God’s favour, and a title to His kingdom: but only to come after Him, to reap all the glorious spoils and victories of the law-fulfilling life, and sin-atoning death, in our perfect reconciliation to God, justification before Him, acceptance and peace with Him. 

O soul, this knowledge is essential to thy following Christ, in faith and love. Without this you cannot come after Him one step. Therefore in love He bids thee deny thyself. As though He had said, all things in the old creation of fallen nature are contrary to My spiritual kingdom, and oppose My reign in the heart; therefore, all in self must be denied. Receive this in faith, as the command of love, to enjoy peace and comfort in thy Lord. 

(1st.) Thy carnal reason exalts itself against the grace and truth of thy Lord. Deny this. 

(2d.) Thy self-righteous pride of obtaining righteousness by works, opposes free and full justification unto life, by the spotless righteousness of Christ. Renounce that. 

(3d.) The selfish notion of fulfilling terms and conditions of salvation is contrary to following Christ, as having finished our salvation. Disown that. 

(4th.) Corrupt lusts will draw away thy heart from following Christ, in the paths of holiness. Deny them. 

(5th.) The pleasures of carnal sense, attract the heart from Christ. Renounce them. 

(6th.) Unbelief is an enemy to thy Lord’s love and truth. Resist it. Oppose thy Lord’s word to it. 

(7th.) Doubts and fears that Christ will not receive thee— will reject thee—that He will not save thee to the uttermost— that thou mayest perish at last, will prevent thy comfortably following Christ. Reject them. Oppose His loving promise to them. 

Lastly, deny, renounce and disown the notion, that thou hast any power of thy own, to deny thyself in following Christ, and to persevere to the end. Let this be ever your prayer, “Draw me, I will run after Thee,” (Song of Solomon 1:4.) Christ’s power of drawing is our strength for denying and running. Therefore when Christ says, Deny thyself, look not on Him as a rigorous law-giver, to enslave thee under bondage: but as a precious law-fulfiller, a loving Saviour, and as exalted to bestow grace on miserable sinners. 

He would have us live totally out of corrupt nature and carnal self, be quite happy in Him; and comfortable in following of Him. For He saith, “I who speak in righteousness, am mighty to save, (Isaiah 63:1.) Profession is easy to hypocrites. Self-denial is the evidence of real disciples. At Christ’s command we must take up Our cross without delay— Our lives—and thousand lives of ours, His love can ne’er repay.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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