"Then said one unto Him, Lord, are they few that be saved?" -Luke 13:23 [KJV]

Peter’s fervent prayer, “Lord, save, or I perish!” was much better than this curious question. It was an unprofitable one. Suppose our Lord had given a direct answer to it, assured him there were but few that would be saved, and told him the exact number, what good would this querist have got by it? 

Learn hence, (1st.) that unprofitable questions are to be avoided. They proceed from a vain curiosity, and are proposed to gratify the itch of a speculative humour. Indulge no thoughts in thy mind above, beyond, nor contrary to what is written. They may amuse and perplex, but cannot edify thy soul. 

Observe, (2d.) the wisdom of thy Lord. He does not give a direct answer to this vain question, but improves it to general usefulness. As though He had said, Friend, thy question is impertinent. Thou art prying into a matter that concerns thee not! Thou hast a notion of salvation in thy head, and hast put a curious question from thy tongue, but thy heart is unconcerned about thy own salvation. Rather than answer thy unprofitable question, I will improve it to general use:—Strive to enter in at the strait gate

(3d.) Disciple, here is an admirable lesson for thee and me. Let us learn to improve every curious question into godly edification; nice and subtle distinctions, into practical and experimental conversation. You can scarce begin to speak of the grace of God and the salvation of Christ to poor blind sinners, but they will ask, Do not you hold the doctrine of election? I am persuaded, it would be best to follow our Lord’s conduct. Give no answer to the question. Set forth the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the deplorable state sinners are in, the absolute necessity of a Saviour: the matchless glory of His person, the riches of His love to sinners, the fulness of His salvation for them, and the need we have of faith in Him, to be clothed in His righteousness, justified before God, and eternally saved by Him. 

This, this is the way to instruct poor sinners’ minds, and to warm and enliven our own souls. Dry disquisitions promote jar and discord. Let Jesus, the strait gate, be in our view. “Let us consider the end of our conversation, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:7, 8.) Let us look to Him every day and every hour, to save us from the deceitful pride of our hearts, the abominable wickedness of our nature, and from all our cursed lusts, which war against our souls. 


This is our comfort, dearest Lord, 

That ev’ry soul Thou’ll save, 

Who comes to Thee with self abhorr’d, 

Salvation for to crave. 

Tho’ chief of sinners, Lord, I am, 

Yet still I hope in Thee: 

O! suff’ring, loving, saving Lamb, 

Save, save poor guilty me.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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