"Is not My word like as a fire? saith the LORD." -Jeremiah 23:29 [KJV]

How comforting this reflection? “We, who were sometimes afar off, are now made nigh by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13.) How happy is the soul, when it finds nearness of access to God, and enjoys sweet converse with Him? Then with Jeremiah it says, “Let me talk with Thee,” (Jeremiah 12:1.) Then the Lord condescends to hear and reply. As here, He appeals to the soul’s experience; and asks, What effect has My word had on thine heart? Is it not like fire? Let us consider this, that the word of the Lord may be glorified by us to-night. 

(1st.) It is the property of fire to communicate light. So doth the word. “The entrance of Thy word giveth Light, (Psalm 119:130.) When we were darkness itself, how did the word enter, and shine into our hearts, and give us the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ? In seasons of darkness, how often has the word brought light into our souls? Thy word is a light unto my path (see Psalm 119:105.) 

(2d.) Fire gives heat. How often has the Lord warmed our cold hearts, and melted down our hard hearts with the fire of His word of love and grace? “I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3.) Say, has not such a word as this been in the heart, as burning fire shut up in our bones? (Jeremiah 20:9.) Lord, multiply such burning seasons. 

(3d.) Fire consumeth, so doth the Word. When it burns in the heart, it consumes our cursed lusts, hateful pride, deceitful, self-righteous hopes, vain and worldly desires, legal terrors, and tormenting dread of death. Lord, cause this heavenly fire to burn in our hearts, and consume more and more. 

For, (4th.) The Word, like fire, purifies. “Ye have purified your souls, in obeying the truth, through the Spirit,” (I Peter 1:22.) While the fire of the word burns within, purity is preserved in heart, lip, and life. 

(5th.) Fire causeth smoke. No sooner doth the word kindle fire in the heart, but the smoke of incense, of prayer and praise, ascend up to the Lord. Christ compares His church to “pillars of smoke,” (Songs of Solomon 3:6.) and His people to smoking flax, (Matthew 12:20.) 

For the word of the Lord is like fire in their hearts, and their affections like smoke, ascend up unto Him. O Thou great Inditer (-Holy Spirit) of the word! cause the word of Christ to dwell in us richly in all wisdom, that we may continue in His word, that it may be manifest, that we are His disciples indeed. -John 8:31


The Lord appeals unto each soul, 

For proof of what He saith: 

Doth not His word our pow’rs control, 

When it is known by faith?  

Like fire it burns our hearts, 

And doth our lusts consume, 

And fills with love our ev’ry part, 

And doth our works perfume.  


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


Billy said…
Our LORD JESUS Christ says to His people, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (John 6:51).

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