"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life." -I Timothy 6:12 [KJV]

Soldiers of an earthly monarch are regularly enlisted to fight under his banner: they wear his livery, and are furnished by him with arms. In a day of battle, they prove their courage and faithfulness. So the Captain of our salvation chooses and enlists His own soldiers. He puts on them a livery, whereby they are known to His enemies. He puts an armour on them, and weapons into their hands. From the moment they enlist under Him, they enter the field of battle. There is never any peace with the enemy. 

The fight is the good fight of faith. The prize is eternal life. The daily word of command is, fight. Stand to your arms. Give no quarter to the enemy. Beware of the least truce with them, for the danger is great, the effects will prove awful. It is a good fight. It is in a good cause: under a good captain, who gives good encouragement, and has assured us of certain victory over the worst of enemies. Fight this good fight for the glory of Him, who, in dying for us, has for ever conquered all who are against us. 

But they are not all dead yet. Fight on. It is a good fight of faith. Dost thou say, I have no faith? Then pull off thy soldier’s livery. What hast thou to do in the ranks? But who told thee that thou art destitute of faith? Why, thou hast laid down thy shield, art got into the enemy’s camp. He has seduced thee by his deceitful insinuations, and will prevail over thee. No faith! What meanest thou? Instead of fighting against, thou art parleying with the enemy. 

Dost thou believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour of sinners? Yes, sayest thou, but I have not the comfort of knowing that He is my Saviour! What then? Wilt thou deny thy faith for want of comfort? Desert thy Lord’s banner till thou hast obtained assurance of His love? Fight on against thy worst foe, unbelief, and cry to thy best Friend, Lord increase my faith. The battle is the Lord’s. Thy strength is from Him. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: all ye who hope in the Lord (Psalm 31:24.) Lay hold on eternal life. It is the free gift of God. Lay hold of it by faith. Possess and enjoy it now in the belief of thy heart. 

Hold it fast in hope. Quit not thy confidence in it. So shall thy heart be warm with love, thy spirit filled with joy, and thine arms made strong to fight, until thou art crowned in eternal glory. Remember, the joy of thy Lord is thy strength. When death the last enemy comes, hold fast thy faith, and thou shalt sing, Victory in death


True, ‘tis a fight with many foes, 

For us too great and strong; 

But Christ hath conquer’d all our woes, 

The battle can’t be long. 

Cheer up, my soul, look to thy Lord 

For strength in ev’ry hour; 

Vict’ry is promis’d in His word 

And He will give thee pow’r.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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