Righteousness Is Already Worked Out by Christ JESUS

"Therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith. The just shall live by faith." -Romans 1:17 [KJV]

It is but lost labour, that poor sinners rise up early, late take rest, and eat the bread of carefulness, in order to make themselves righteous. The Lord makes His beloved people righteous, in a very different way. Righteousness is already perfectly wrought out, to the honouring and magnifying God’s law: it is fully brought into the court of heaven, to the satisfying God’s justice. It is clearly revealed in the gospel, for the hope and encouragement of poor sinners. 

Observe, (1st.) By way of eminence it is styled “the righteousness of God.” Not as it is essential to His divine nature. For what comfort, what hope can a guilty sinner take from that? The more plainly that is revealed, the more clearly that is known, so much the more miserable must it make the unrighteous sinner. But it is the righteousness with which God is well pleased, and for the sake of which He can be just, while He justifies the ungodly sinner. It is the righteousness which the Son of God wrought out in our nature, to clothe and adorn, and make us poor naked sinners, righteous and comely in God’s sight. 

(2d.) This righteousness is revealed in the gospel. Blessed gospel! It brings glad tidings of an infinitely perfect, and everlastingly glorious righteousness. Soul, where art thou looking for righteousness? In thyself? Poring over thyself; thy frames, and thy works, to find righteousness? As well expect to find a saint in hell, or a devil in heaven, as to find righteousness in thyself. Search the gospel. There thou wilt find it revealed. The gospel is God’s testimony of Jesus. He is the only righteous man, that has ever been upon earth, since sin entered into the world. “His name is The LORD our righteousness” (Jeremiah 23:6.) 

(3d.) It is revealed from faith to faith. From the doctrine of faith in the word, to the grace of faith in the heart—it runs through every page of the sacred word, down from the patriarchs, prophets, and Old Testament saints to New Testament believers, to Gentile sinners in every age. This divine and glorious righteousness is unto all, and upon all that believe (Romans 3:22.) Equally alike, whether faith be weak or strong. 

For, (4th.) The just shall live by faith. This is quite different from living by working. For the law is never satisfied with our doings, because we can never fulfil it. Therefore we can never enjoy peace of mind, but condemnation of conscience. But by faith we live, from day to day, upon Jesus our law-fulfilling Head. Hence we have peace of conscience, love of heart, joy of spirit, and holiness of life. O what a sweet life is this! None know the glory of it but the faithful. It is living above nature, out of self, and beyond sin. One step more, and we shall be with Christ in glory.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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