"For the Lord will not cast off for ever." -Lamentations 3:31 [KJV]

“Then there is no danger of perishing. Let us live as we list: walk after the imagination of our hearts: and fulfil the desires of the flesh and of the mind.” Is this the natural language of such a faith? This the genuine influence of such a hope? This the conduct resulting from the knowledge of God’s everlasting love? Yes, say some, if we could believe such doctrine, we should so act. Such sadly betray their ignorance of the sanctifying influence of divine truth, upon the heart and life. 

This day shalt thou be with Me in paradise, says our Saviour to the expiring thief (Luke 23:43.) Could he hence find it in his heart to say, Then will I blaspheme Thee again as I did just now? O no. The grace of God, which brings salvation to our souls, teaches otherwise. The goodness of God, which keeps us from hell, and preserves us safe to glory, leadeth us to repentance. And faith in the covenant love, and gracious promises of the Lord, encourages us to hope for pardon from Him, because He will not cast off for ever. 

This was the glorious confession of the faithful, when under the severe chastising rod of God. Then is the season, to call to mind the Lord’s everlasting love and covenant faithfulness. He loves as a Father, therefore He corrects us as children. He hates our sins, at the same time that He loves our persons. If He makes us smart, it is to make us confess and pray. If He puts us into the furnace of afflictions, it is that we may glorify the Lord in the fires (Isaiah 24:15.) 

This cannot be done by unbelief, saying, the love of my covenant God and Father, is changed into the hatred of a vindictive wrathful enemy—He has cast me off from being His son, and will eternally punish me in hell. Such doctrine never brought a soul back to God with genuine humility, and godly sorrow. 

No. It is faith in God’s unchangeable love, and covenant faithfulness in Christ Jesus, that glorifies Him, brings the poor sinner to Him, humbles the heart before Him, and causes the soul to cry out with tears of deepest gratitude, wretch that I am, by any base conduct to offend that loving Lord, Who hates putting away, and will not cast off for ever! Lord Jesus grant that the belief of this truth may bind me closer than ever to Thyself. We can assure our hearts of this precious truth. 

(1st.) “Because we are the children of God by faith in Christ” (Galatians 3:26.) 

(2d.) “If children then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17.) 

And (3d.) “We are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation” (I Peter 1:5.)


Who have such glorious cause to sing, 

And triumph all their days, 

As children of the heav’nly King, 

Sav’d by His sovereign grace? 

Not loved now, cast off anon, 

This is not precious faith: 

God ever loves us in His Son, 

We joy in what He saith.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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