"Now the just shall live by faith." -Hebrews 10:38 [KJV]

Then they will highly prize the word of God. “For by that faith cometh” (see Romans 10:17.) Prophets and apostles, Old Testament saints and New Testament believers speak by one and the same Spirit, one and the same language, of one and the same life. “The just shall live by his faith,” says Habakkuk 2:4. Mind, It is not said, the just, or the justified sinner, shall live for his faith. This would be to substitute faith in the room of its blessed object, Jesus Who saith, “Because I live, ye shall live also" (John 14:19.) 

Nor is it said, he shall live upon his faith. We are too apt to look more to, and live more upon, what we think faith, which is rather the feelings of sense, than upon Christ, the object of faith. It is said of Esau, “By thy sword shalt thou live” (Genesis 27:40.) To have lived upon his sword, would have been hard food indeed. But he lived upon the precious morsels his sword brought in. So the believing sinner, justified in the righteousness of Christ, is to live, as we say, from hand to mouth; upon what faith brings into his mind, from the word of Christ, day by day. Eternal praise to the Holy Spirit, Who quickened our once dead souls to this holy spiritual life. 

And He says, “We shall live by faith.” This demands fresh praise every moment, while we thus live in Christ, and upon Christ, by faith. Shall live. What is implied in this? Even that this faith shall never be lost, nor the soul of any justified sinner perish: for he is in Christ, Who is the way to the kingdom, the truth of the kingdom, and the life of all who are chosen to inherit the kingdom. Hast thou faith, though but as a grain of mustard seed? Consider not thy faith, though weak, but the Author and Object of it, Jesus Who is almighty to save. 

Though, under the sentence of death for sin in thyself; yet in Him thou hast righteousness and justification unto eternal life. Lord, increase our faith, that we may live more above with Thee in heart and affection, in conquest over sin, victory over the world, triumph over the accusations of Satan, the condemnation of the law, and the terrors of death. Thus the life of faith is a life of present peace, precious love, joyful hope, and holy obedience: For Christ is our life. O let us take heed lest we draw back from this our most holy, humble faith, either to self-righteousness on one hand, or ungodliness on the other. Both these oppose the life of faith, the joy of hope, and the comforts of love, which are in Christ Jesus. 


Some trust on works, some trust on faith, 

And some don’t trust at all: 

O may I live on what Christ saith, 

That’s the best life of all. 

Faith makes Christ precious to the heart, 

Embracing Him within: 

That soul has learnt the heavenly art, 

Who lives on nought but HIM.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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