Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 13 May, 2024 A.D.

"One Lord, one faith, one baptism." -Ephesians 4:5 [KJV]


Jesus saith of His church, “My dove, my undefiled is but one” (Songs of Solomon 6:9.) One body, composed of various members, espoused to Him, by the Spirit, as “to one husband” (II Corinthians 11:2.) Hence called His own body, (Ephesians 1:23.) All such are most dear to the Lord. He nourisheth and cherisheth them. For they are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones, (5:30.) He is their one Lord, and His name is ONE, (Zechariah 14:9.) 

This is most true in doctrine. But this is not all. For it is found most sweet in experience also. This is by one faith. By this, we enjoy and walk in sweet and holy fellowship with our Lord and Head. What if I were told, there is one sun, what comfort would that afford me, if I never were to see its light, feel its warmth, and enjoy its influence? Whatever is written of our one Lord, I enjoyed in experience by this one faith. But some talk of various sorts of faith, as faith of adherence, faith of reliance, faith of assurance, etc. This only puzzles the head, and perplexes the heart of many sincere disciples of Christ, to define such notions. This one faith is very simple. By it the heart fixes upon the one atonement, the one righteousness, the one mediation, and the one salvation of the Son of God. 

As it looks to nothing else for hope: so by it Christ is most precious to the soul: and by faith Christ keeps the soul unto salvation. Happy partakers of this one faith! How are we made thus happy in one Lord, through one faith? By one baptism, of the Spirit, into the saving knowledge of, and joyful hope in Jesus our Saviour. “For by one Spirit, we are all baptized into one body” (I Corinthians 12:13.) Water baptism is only the outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace of the Holy Ghost, in this one baptism. 

O that the dear members of this one Lord, studied more to provoke each other to love, and good works, instead of disputing about the outward sign of baptism. The cold water of strife and contention, can never warm the heart with love to Christ, and one another. Being all ONE in Christ, let our one contention be, to live in the Spirit, and walk in love. The Lord baptize us with the fire of love! This will burn up the unhallowed strife of nature. 

Though we cannot think alike about baptism, yet if we have one Lord and one faith, we can, we ought to unite in this, to love as brethren (I Peter 3:8.) Love is a genuine fruit of the Spirit, (Galatians 5:22.) A grace, which neither carnal men nor apostate devils ever can possess; is therefore a sure evidence, that we are born of God, and dwell in God. For love is of God. I John 4:7


Baptize us by Thy Spirit, Lord, 

With holy faith and heav’nly love, 

So shall we best proclaim abroad, 

That we resemble saints above. 

O may it be our greatest strife, 

Who most shall honour Thee our Lord, 

With love of heart, and holy life, 

Agreeable unto Thy word.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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