"Woe unto them which justify the wicked for a reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him." -Isaiah 5:23 [KJV]

Persons are said in the Scripture to do a thing, when they aim to do it, and, if it were in their power, would do it: so apostates are said “to crucify the Son of God afresh” (Hebrews 6:6.) But that is impossible. Yet, by denying Christ to be the Son of God, they justify the act, and, were it in their power, would do it again. So here, a woe is denounced against persons for teaching cursed, corrupt doctrine. 

(1st.) “They justify the wicked for a reward.” This is the common and prevailing doctrine of our day. The wicked is the character of every natural man. Let the lives of such be ever so wicked, yet, instead of being told the necessity of being born again of the Spirit and justified by the Son of God, they are taught to believe they can bribe God’s justice, obtain His favour, and justify their souls in His sight, by their duties and good works. If the Lord had not interposed by His special grace, such teachers would have sent my wicked soul to hell, with a lie in my right hand. 

Glory to Thee, O Spirit! for teaching me the justification and salvation of precious Jesus. His blood is my plea for pardon; His righteousness my plea for justification unto life. 

Then, (2d.) we are beset, on the other side, with those who would take away our righteousness from us. What is the righteousness of the righteous? His own works and obedience? do these constitute us righteous in the sight of God? No. Why not? because they fall short of the rule of righteousness—the law of God. As they do not fulfil the righteous law, we cannot be made righteous thereby. Were our justification put upon this, the holiest saint must be damned for want of righteousness. 

Hear this and tremble, ye self-righteous; hear this and be humble, ye sin-convinced souls. Yet rejoice in Jesus; for He is the Lord our righteousness (see Jeremiah 23:6.) He is of God made unto us righteousness (I Corinthians 1:30.) We are made the righteousness of God in Him. (II Corinthians 5:21.) This ONE, everlasting righteousness we receive by faith, and glory in alone. But there be those who would rob us of it, and spoil our glorying in it. They tell us, this faith leads to licentiousness: we reply, there is a woe against you from the Lord: you are linked with those “who call evil good, and good evil,” etc. “who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight; yea, with drunkards also.” (vss 20-22.) 

See what sad company you are in. Your heads are intoxicated with pride, and your hearts blinded to the truth, by your own fancied righteousness. You decry this truth, which you have not experienced, In the Lord shall sinners be justified, and shall glory. Isaiah 45:25.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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