"Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the LORD JESUS." -Colossians 3:17 [KJV]

I have sometimes thought, how is it possible that a believer in Christ can ever willingly and deliberately commit any one sin? It is hardly to be conceived, that such can live and walk under the power of sin. I am sure all sin is as contrary to the nature of a new-born soul, as heaven to hell: yet nothing is more plain, from the word of God, and the experience of His saints, than that sin dwells in them. But they are solemnly forbidden to “let sin reign in them, that they should obey it in the lusts thereof” (Romans 6:12.) 

And if our souls are not striving against sin, and pressing after holiness, I know not where to find one text, in the word of God, to encourage us to believe and hope, that we are the children of God. I dread not the Satanic grin of licentious Antinomians. Does their infectious breath pronounce this legal? It only proclaims their unregenerate enmity against God’s truth, His grace, and His glory. Ye believers in, and lovers of the Lord Jesus! here is a short, but most blessed and comprehensive rule, for your walk and conduct. Does Satan tempt, the world allure, and the flesh lust? Gratify them, if ye can; only see that you do it according to this apostolic rule: yea, get drunk, game, go to plays, routs, take your full swing in carnal pleasures and sensual delights, and mix with the wicked and profane—only see that you do all this as here commanded, “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” 

Does your heart recoil? It must, if the name of the Lord Jesus is music to your ears, and the joy of your soul: you can no more take delight in these things, than in the music of hell. O the matchless charms of that precious name! Lord, never, never suffer them to wear off our hearts. Thy name charms away the power of sin, the love of the world, and the pleasures of sense: it charms our souls into the presence of God, fellowship with God, and into the joys of heaven. Right welcome are we to God, fully reconciled to Him, and perfectly accepted with Him, in the name of the Lord Jesus. O, my dear, dear Saviour! it is in Thy precious name my heart would now indite. 

O for the pen of a ready writer, to display the glories of thy precious name, my King and my Lord! May the readers of these meditations, find the odour of Thy name in them, “As ointment poured forth, that they may love Thee.” (Songs of Solomon 1:3.) To us, sinners, the name of Jesus is above every name” (see Philippians 2:9.) 

Thy words & deeds, Thou matchless Lamb, 

Proclaim Thy love to me: 

O! may I live and love Thy name, 

And ever honour Thee. 

This wicked world, with all its charms, 

Put underneath my feet: 

Keep me encircled in Thine arms, 

Where all my comforts meet.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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