Sealed! The Day of Redemption

"Ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." -Ephesians 4:30 [KJV]

Who are thus sealed? every believer in Christ. This was shewed in the last meditation. This sealing, here and elsewhere, is spoken of as a thing done. Ye are, ye were, God hath sealed us (II Corinthians 1:22.) If all believers are not sealed, it is absurd to exhort them: “grieve not the Spirit, whereby ye are sealed.” Know, believer, that this is your inestimable privilege. Rejoice in it. Give the Lord the glory of it. O may the Spirit, the sealer, help us to make some improvement of it. 

(1st.) Are all believers sealed unto the day of redemption? then is their state safe, and their salvation sure. “The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His” (II Timothy 2:19.) They shall be Mine, saith the LORD, when I make up My jewels, etc. (Malachi 3:17.) It is horrid blasphemy to assert any soul may go to hell, whom the Spirit has sealed with the broad seal of heaven. 

(2d.) Are we thus sealed by the Spirit? then let our souls adore His eternal power and Godhead, and praise Him for His work in us. What power, short of omnipotent, could open our blind eyes, quicken our dead souls, subdue our rebellious wills, and bring our proud, self-righteous hearts, to submit to the righteousness of Christ, and to receive Him for our whole salvation? Has the Spirit sealed us as the sons of God, and possessed our hearts with the peace of God, through faith in Christ? 

(3d.) Beware that you do not grieve the Spirit. Do we bear the impress of the Spirit’s seal upon our hearts? O ye sealed ones of God, be singular for God. Be exemplary in your lives before God. Consider, whose image and superscription you bear. Sink not below your dignity. Shun vanity fair. Avoid what gratifies the flesh. Flee the scenes of folly. Leave them to souls who know not the love of your Saviour. Live in the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit. 

(4th.) Sealed believer, know that this sealing of the Spirit is the finishing grace of the covenant of love. Now “you are complete in Christ” (Colossians 2:10.) Your title is clear to the heavenly inheritance. Live by faith upon the comfort of it. Reject all doubts and fears concerning it. Soon you shall possess it. Lay hold on eternal life (I Timothy 6:12.)  

May the blest Spirit in my heart 

Sweetly diffuse abroad 

The love of God, th’ incarnate God, 

Who bought me with His blood. 

O may I never once forget 

What a poor worm I am: 

From death and hell redeem’d by blood, 

The blood of God’s dear Lamb.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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