"The very hairs of your head are all numbered." -Matthew 10:30 [KJV]

I never can understand this, says carnal reason. Therefore, reject it, says human pride. What didst thou ever gain, O Christian! by indulging carnal reasonings, or giving way to human pride? Verily, many a sad hour, many an uncomfortable frame. O, how happy doth simple faith make the heart! It receives every word which the Lord speaks, and draws comfort from it. It serves carnal reason and pride, as David did his ten concubines: he put them in a ward, and shut them up, to the day of their death (II Samuel 20:3.) 

For verily, they are like the spies which Moses sent out, “who brought up an evil report of the land” (Numbers 13:32.) Therefore, listen not to their suggestions. Our Lord never spoke a word as a subject for thy curious speculations; but, that thou shouldest humbly believe it, exercise thy believing mind upon it, and derive peace and comfort from it. Our Lord had been telling His disciples some things, which were very disagreeable to flesh and blood: that they were as sheep among wolves— would be hated of all men for His name’s sake, and persecuted. Yet, says He, fear not them, who can only kill the body: they cannot touch the soul. But what disciple is there, who is not subject to fear the wrath of man? 

Fear of being hurt, is natural to us all. What can deliver a man from, and set him above this fear? Nothing but the power of faith. Here is the Lord’s word. “The very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Now, you are brought to the suburbs of comfort. Believe, and enter into it. If every, the most minute excrescence of my body, lies open to my heavenly Father’s  eye; if not one of them fall to the ground, without His permission—then, carnal reason, avaunt! fears, be gone. Men and devils, do your worst. My loving Father stands between your wrath and my soul. I am safe, while Omnipotence lives, and everlasting love changes not. 

Ah! but, when I think of the hairs of my head, I think of my sins. If the former are numbered, the latter are recorded; and they are more in number than the very hairs of my head; therefore, my heart faileth (Psalm 40:12.) Then, let sense and reason be subject to faith. Hear and rejoice at what thy Lord saith: “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions; and as a cloud, thy sins: return unto Me, for I have redeemed thee” (Isaiah 44:22.)

Still will, my God I leave my cause, 

And trust His promised grace: 

He rules me, by his well known laws 

Of love and righteousness.

Not all the pains that e’er I bore, 

Shall spoil my future peace; 

For death and hell can do no more, 

Than what my Father please!


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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