That we may know CHRIST JESUS

"That I may know Him." —Philippians 3:10 [KJV]

"There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four... the fire which saith not, It is enough."—Proverbs 30:15, 16 [KJV]

So true is this, of the fire of love when kindled in believing hearts. It burns with insatiable desire towards Jesus. Amazing! Had Paul so long known, loved, and preached a crucified, risen Jesus, and yet now desires to know Him! Yes. Such is the nature of faith, that like riches to a miser, the more they increase, the more the desires of his heart increase after them. His wants are greater than his possessions. So the living members of precious Jesus see such inexhaustible treasures in Him their living Head, and such numerous wants in themselves, that their hearts are ever crying after, looking to, and longing for more of His presence, blessings and comforts in knowledge and experience. 

And, like a chaste virgin espoused to an affectionate lover, her desires will never be completely satisfied till he is brought into the nearest relation and closest embraces, when she takes up her abode, and enjoys the presence of the object of her love. Lovers of Jesus can never be satisfied with any other but Him, nor will they be fully satisfied nor perfectly happy, till they are for ever present with their ever-loving Lord. But the knowledge of Him, even now, creates a paradise of peace, a heaven of love and holiness in the soul. Hence there is a godly jealousy in espoused souls, lest other objects should steal upon their affections. 

If at any time their eyes have been turned from their Lord, there is a holy shame; they blush at their folly, and cry, O that I may know Him who rests for ever alike in His constant love to me a poor sinner. In this consists the life and joy of the heart, to know that Jesus hath made peace for us by the blood of His cross; that He hath wrought out a robe of righteousness by the obedience of His life to adorn us; that He ever lives to pray for us. Yea daily, constantly to know Him, as dwelling in my heart by faith, ever present with me to the joy of my mind, and to the peace of my conscience. 

And truly, beloved, if thou art not thus kept knowing Jesus, looking to Jesus, feeding upon Him continually in thy heart by faith, thou wilt know and feel other things, which will creep in and sadly distress thy mind. The voice of the law will be heard in thy conscience, backed by Satan's injections, and thou wilt find anguish of spirit and bitterness of soul. But by sweetly abiding in the knowledge of Jesus, by faith, thou shalt manfully stand thy ground, and courageously conquer and triumph. "So shall grace and peace be multiplied through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." —II Peter 1:2.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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