The Dear Volume of Thy Book

"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me." —John 5:39 [KJV]

It was an excellent reply of a Christian lady to a scoffing infidel, who vented profane banter upon the scriptures, and asked, What proof she could give of the truth of holy writ? 'Yourself, Sir,' said she, 'is one;' for it is written, "There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts." —II Peter 3:3. Even Satan, when he tempted our Lord, though he dared to pervert, yet he never once attempted to deny holy scripture to be the truths of God. Shame to professors who are ignorant of God's word. For Jesus and eternal life are revealed therein. 

Even devils, who have no hope from the scriptures, seem well versed in them. But may not Jonadab's question to Amnon be put even to some of God's children, "Why art thou, being a king's son, lean from day to day?"—II Samuel 13:4. Leanness of soul comes on many through neglecting the nourishing truths of God's word. It is the rich feast of the Father's love. By it the soul is fed and nourished up to eternal life. Verily, when we lose our appetite for the scriptures, and they are not savoury food to us, it is because our souls are distempered. "They testify of Me," saith Jesus. Is not that word enough? 

What so sweetly, so powerfully engaging to the soul, as when somewhat of our dear Saviour is to be learned from every page? The more we are acquainted with His precious person, His amazing love, His wonderful humility, His astonishing sufferings, His finished work on earth, so much the more will He be endeared to our hearts. We shall prize the word that testifies of Him, and the Spirit that glorifies Him: we shall think of Him, love Him, live upon Him, live to Him, long to be with Him from day to day. So we shall beguile all our troubles and trials below; our hearts will be simple and happy; our conversation and conduct will be more like the meek Lamb of God. 

Thus shall we grow as Pharaoh's "kine, fat-fleshed and well-favored, while we feed in God's meadow." -Genesis 41:18. If we neglect the scriptures that testify of Jesus, no marvel if we enjoy not the comfort of the Spirit's witness of Jesus. Says Luther, 'Let the Lord take me out of life this hour, or when it pleaseth Him, I leave this behind me, I will own Jesus Christ for my Lord and my God. This I have not only out of the scriptures, but by manifold experience also, for the name JESUS hath often helped and comforted me, when no creature could.' "Holy scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith, which is in Christ Jesus."—II Timothy 3:15.

Great God! mine eyes with pleasure look, 

On the dear volume of Thy book; 

There my Redeemer's face I see, 

And read His name who dy'd for me.

Let the false raptures of the mind, 

Be lost and vanish in the wind: 

Here I can fix my hope secure; 

This is Thy word and must endure.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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