"My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in thy weakness." —II Corinthians 12:9 [KJV]


Spiritual conflicts with the enemy of souls are the lot of all God's children. Holy Paul was under deep and afflicting distress of soul. Satan the adversary assaulted him very powerfully. He groaned under it; he frequently besought Jesus that this grievous and painful messenger of Satan might be made to depart from him, and that his conflict might be at an end. O, what distressing exercises God's children undergo from the enemy! The hearts of such only know the bitterness thereof. 

But is the Captain of their salvation regardless of them? Is He deaf to their prayers when they call on Him? No: He ever hears, He always answers in love. But did the Lord grant His dear servant's request? No; then the design of love would not have been answered. Paul was in danger of being "exalted above measure." This was to be prevented. He was "to glory in infirmities." This was to be effected. Satan's design was for his evil. Jesus makes it work for good. But that he might not faint in the combat, this comfortable answer is given, "My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 

Let it suffice, My love and favor is ever towards you; My almighty strength is engaged to preserve you. Though you are weakness itself to withstand such an enemy, yet My almighty strength shall uphold you; in this you shall conquer. Here is the strongest assurance for the confidence of faith, and the most solid ground for the rejoicing of hope. The grace and love of Jesus opposed to the malice and hatred of Satan; the strength of Jehovah triumphing in, and made illustriously glorious through saints' weakness. O, what an ever-loving, all-sufficient, omnipotent Lord is Jehovah Jesus! 

The Lord whom thou servest, believer, knows thy every distress and conflict of soul. He will strengthen thee in, support thee under, and bring thee safe through and out of all thy exercises and troubles. Thou shalt lose nothing in the furnace but the dross of nature's pride and corruption, and the vanity of self-glorying, self-sufficiency, and self-righteousness. God by His Spirit will teach thee to profit in humility and self-diffidence, and to glory in and exalt the Lord Jesus more and more. Sweet and encouraging is that promise to God's church and people in general: strong and comforting as God's declaration to Paul, in particular: "Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness."—Isaiah 41:10.


I can do all things, or can bear 

All sufferings if my Lord be there: 

Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, 

While His left hand my head sustains. 

But if the Lord be once withdrawn, 

And we attempt the work alone: 

When new temptations spring and rise, 

We find how great our weakness is.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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