JESUS: Living Water from the Rock of our Salvation

"Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?"Numbers 20:10 [KJV]

It is most probable that this harsh, severe speech of Moses, cut many of God's dear children to the very heart and struck terror to their souls. Here we see the true nature of the holy law. It demands attention with power and authority, HEAR. Its voice is of terror; it speaks nothing but wrath to poor sinners' consciences; it calls them by their proper name, REBELS. And what can the poor guilty trembling soul do to appease its terror and escape the wrath to come? Nothing. 

Alas, it "concludes him under sin," and leaves him as much without hope of mercy, as he has of drawing liquid streams from a barren rock. But by the gospel eye of faith we see that spiritual rock, Jesus, whom the law struck, and thirsty souls in all ages drink living water from this rock of their salvation. Jehovah loves His people; from the affection of his heart (notwithstanding their murmurings) he commands his servant to procure drink for them. But meek Moses reproves the children in wrath and in anger strikes the rock twice. The Lord resents his conduct and expressions toward them. 

Because the dear Lamb stood up in their behalf, and spoke in effect what Paul wrote to Philemon concerning Onesimus: "What my people owe to law and justice, put that to my account; I will pay all." Therefore the sword of divine justice "awoke against him;" he was struck by the severe rod of the law; and hence cooling streams of mercy, refreshing streams of peace, reviving streams of love, richly gushed out to parched, thirsty, dying souls. Yea, the water of this rock follows believing souls, as it did the children of Israel, all the way through the wilderness of this world. They all drink the same spiritual drink at the hands of the Spirit. 

What consolation to disciples, to consider that our spiritual rock ever stands stedfast and unmovable! that all who are built upon Him are safe and secure from every danger! The storms of temptations, the waves of corruption may dash against them; but can never prevail. Jesus sustains them; everlasting love secures them; omnipotence surrounds them; and even justice and truth are engaged in their defence. Yes, poor believing soul, though the law rates thee a REBEL, and speaks in wrath against thee as such: though thou dost exceedingly quake and fear; yet ever remember, precious "Jesus hath received gifts for the rebellious." 

Waters of salvation flow plenteously from Jesus. It is thy mercy daily to "drink of this spiritual rock,"I Corinthians 10:4

Rebels, we broke our Maker's laws; 

He from the threat'ning sets us free. 

Bore the full vengeance on His cross, 

And nail'd the curses to the tree. 

The law proclaims no terror now, 

And Sinai's thunder roars no more: 

From all His wounds new blessings flow.  

A sea of joy without a shore.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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