...but for THE GLORY OF GOD

"Jesus said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."John 11:4 [KJV]

It frequently happens, that intervening occurrences seem to contradict the truths of God. Therefore if we judge from sight and appearance, we shall be often deceived. God's word alone is the rule of faith; what He has declared shall certainly come to pass, however repugnant it may seem to carnal reason. Thus our Saviour declares of Lazarus, "This sickness is not unto death:" yet He afterwards told His disciples plainly, "Lazarus is dead:" and Jesus found him in the grave, where he had lain four days. But Jesus, who had power over death and the grave, knew His own intention of raising him, both for the glory of the Father, as well as glorifying Himself. This was the great end of His coming into the world; therefore in the life, and by the death of Jesus, glory redounds "to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good-will to men."

Did Jesus love Lazarus? Did His compassionate eye drop a tear of affection over His friend's grave? O what an innumerable company of poor sinners did His loving eyes behold, who, like Lazarus, were not only to all appearances past hope, but actually "dead in trespasses and sins!" but He says of them also, "This sickness is not unto death." Eternal death shall not have the dominion over them; but He would get glory to God, and glorify Himself in quickening and raising all God's chosen ones, all His dearly beloved members.

On the death of Lazarus "Jesus wept: He groaned within Himself;" and He cried to His Father. How must the heart of Lazarus be inflamed with love to his dear Lord for giving him a second life! O believer! the raising thy soul from a death of sin to a life of righteousness, cost thy Saviour not only a sigh, a tear, a groan, a prayer; but agonies, sweats of blood, tortures beyond thought, sufferings beyond expression. His immaculate heart's blood He freely poured forth for our sins, to procure the life, and to obtain the salvation of our souls. Canst thou think of this love without reflecting on thy misery? O hard heart! O cruel unbelief! How little affected with such love as none but God could shew! Is this thy pain and sickness? Come, then, that the Son of God may be yet more glorified in thee, bring thy hard heart to the feet of Jesus, and confess thy unbelief to Him with this humble cry, "Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief."Mark 9:24.

Come, happy souls, approach your God With new melodious songs; Come, tender to almighty grace The tribute of your tongues.

So strange, so boundless was the love That pity'd dying men, The Father sent His equal Son To give them life again.

-William Mason


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