Fulness, Glory, Grace, Provision, Peace & Everlasting Happiness in Christ JESUS

"Ready to be revealed in the last time." -I Peter 1:5 [KJV]

My soul, hast thou ever considered the very great and blessed things contained in these few words? Sit down, this evening, and look them over. Dost thou ask, what is ready to be revealed in the last time? The answer is direct. All the fulness, glory, grace, provision, peace, and everlasting happiness, that are in the covenant of redemption, and all centered in the person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Thou hast now but obscure views of Jesus, and His fulness, suitableness, and all-sufficiency. Thou hast believed indeed unto salvation, and art resting upon Christ for thy justification, and sanctification, and comfort; but of the fulness in which believers stand complete in Christ, no saint upon earth hath ever had a conception equal to what it really is. "Beloved, (saith John) now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is," I John 3:2.  

Now the blessedness of these things, in all their fulness, and in all their glory, are reserved to "be revealed in the last time:" and they are now all ready. Angels are always upon the wing, and are waiting to bring the heirs of the kingdom into the immediate possession, and immediate enjoyment of them. And although clouds here rise between, to obscure those bright and glorious objects, yet the heirs of promise ought to enjoy them now by faith; for they are eternally secure, and, through the Lord of them, eternally their own.  

Now, my soul, what sayest thou to these things? Are they ready to be revealed in the last time? Are they thine now? Hast thou Jesus, and with Him all things? Is the last time approaching? Are angels waiting? Is Jesus waiting to unfold all to thy ravished view; and every thing ready? What sayest thou, my soul? Art thou ready also? Lord Jesus! give me grace to be always on the look out for Thy coming, and to be as delighted with Thy approach as they that wait for the morning! 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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